This Penalty Sportswear Campaign Exposes a Community's Priority
Amelia Roblin — December 13, 2011 — Marketing
References: & adsoftheworld
Cities throughout the world are almost unavoidably dense in population and infrastructure, supporting rows and rows of tiny lots with narrow houses touching wall to wall. This Penalty Sportswear campaign captures three of such neighborhoods, evidently starved for space, yet great patches of open earth have been adapted to form irregular soccer fields.
Fed by alleyways and tight driveways, these close-packed plazas have been chalk-lined and expanded to the very limits of the surrounding lots' fences and property lines so that players of the much-loved sport are afforded the maximum amount of area for dribbling, kicking and scoring. This Penalty Sportswear campaign by the Lowe Ginkgo advertising agency of Montevideo, Uruguay, demonstrates the undeniable priority of a place for playing competitive games, even at the expense of proper urban planning.
Fed by alleyways and tight driveways, these close-packed plazas have been chalk-lined and expanded to the very limits of the surrounding lots' fences and property lines so that players of the much-loved sport are afforded the maximum amount of area for dribbling, kicking and scoring. This Penalty Sportswear campaign by the Lowe Ginkgo advertising agency of Montevideo, Uruguay, demonstrates the undeniable priority of a place for playing competitive games, even at the expense of proper urban planning.
Trend Themes
1. Adaptive Urban Spaces - Opportunity to create innovative urban spaces that adapt to limited land resources in densely populated cities.
2. Community-driven Sports - Opportunity to tap into the community's passion for sports by creating initiatives that promote and support competitive games.
3. Resourceful Advertising - Opportunity for advertising agencies to use creative campaigns that highlight the unique features of a community, such as adapting irregular soccer fields.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Planning - Opportunity for urban planning professionals to rethink traditional approaches and develop strategies for utilizing limited land resources more effectively.
2. Sports and Recreation - Opportunity for sports and recreation businesses to engage with local communities and create initiatives that cater to their passion for competitive games.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunity for advertising and marketing agencies to create innovative campaigns that resonate with communities and showcase unique aspects of their environment.