New Research Will Let Users Control Multiple Drones with Their Thoughts
References: vimeo & thenextweb
Mind-control was once a relic of corny old movies and pulp fantasy, but today, with advances in both neuroscience and robotics, researchers have discovered mind-controlled drone technology. Panagiotis Artemiadis, the lead researcher at Arizona State University's Human-Oriented Robotics and Control Lab, has pioneered an electrode-covered skull cap that allows its wearer to control not just one, but up to four drones simultaneously using only their thoughts.
The science revolved around the brain's capability to analyze and decipher swarms. From an evolutionary standpoint, having a strong understanding of swarms is important, as things that swarm (e.g. rats, locust, cockroaches, et cetera) often carry disease and need to be avoided. After gaining an understanding of which areas of the brain deal with swarms, the researchers were able to connect electrodes to those points and essentially read a user's thoughts, allowing multiple mind-controlled drones to be operational at once.
The science revolved around the brain's capability to analyze and decipher swarms. From an evolutionary standpoint, having a strong understanding of swarms is important, as things that swarm (e.g. rats, locust, cockroaches, et cetera) often carry disease and need to be avoided. After gaining an understanding of which areas of the brain deal with swarms, the researchers were able to connect electrodes to those points and essentially read a user's thoughts, allowing multiple mind-controlled drones to be operational at once.
Trend Themes
1. Mind-controlled Drones - Advancements in neuroscience and robotics have led to mind-controlled drone technology, allowing users to control multiple drones with their thoughts.
Industry Implications
1. Drone Technology - The drone industry can capitalize on the advancement of mind-controlled technology to develop new applications for various sectors.
2. Neuroscience - The field of neuroscience can explore new avenues of research and development by integrating mind-controlled technology into their studies.
3. Robotics - The robotics industry can harness mind-controlled technology to create more efficient and intuitive robotic systems.