This Azhar Chougle Series Reflects on Life as a Newcomer to the US
Josh Triantafilou — March 24, 2012 — World
References: & photographyserved
Bombay-born, Brooklyn-based photographer Azhar Chougle explores “alienation, frustration and intrigue” in this haunting, minimalist photo series titled, ‘Unfamiliar Moments Across The Atlantic.’
The photographs are a reflection of Azhar Chougle’s reaction and interaction with American culture. The series seems to capture some fleeting yet omnipresent aspect of life in the United States. That may sound paradoxical, but the American mentality is often spoken of as one of immediate satisfaction. The object of one’s desires is often gone as quickly as it came, soon to be replaced by yet another small pleasure.
Azhar Chougle’s pieces provoke as much thought in their viewers as they reflect in the photographer.
The photographs are a reflection of Azhar Chougle’s reaction and interaction with American culture. The series seems to capture some fleeting yet omnipresent aspect of life in the United States. That may sound paradoxical, but the American mentality is often spoken of as one of immediate satisfaction. The object of one’s desires is often gone as quickly as it came, soon to be replaced by yet another small pleasure.
Azhar Chougle’s pieces provoke as much thought in their viewers as they reflect in the photographer.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Photography - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating new, unique, and thought-provoking minimalist photography sets that perfectly capture the artist's emotions and thoughts.
2. Cross-cultural Interpretations - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in promoting cross-cultural interpretations to reflect the emotions and experiences of those unfamiliar with new environments.
3. Visual Storytelling - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating visual storytelling photography that effectively communicates emotional experiences to a wide range of audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity to push the boundaries of minimalism photography and visual storytelling to communicate deeper connections between the artist and the environment they are in.
2. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity to leverage technology tools to create advanced and immersive minimalist photography experiences that transcend traditional art displays.
3. Cross-cultural Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity to leverage artwork as a tool for cross-cultural communication to facilitate understanding and empathy for those experiencing new environments.