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Art That Actually Watches You

Clean the Sky - Positive Eco Trends & Breakthroughs


— February 11, 2008 — Tech
Have you ever looked at a painting or sculpture that had eyes that seemed to watch you?

You can try to convince yourself all you want that this wall mount isn't watching you, but in this case, your paranoid instinct would be right.

The Opto-Isolator is the creepy invention of Golan Levin and Greg Baltus, artists with a mission to turn the tables on traditional art and offer a piece of art that is not only viewed by spectators, but spies right back.

The box has a watchful eyeball that studies and interacts with the person in front of it. It does so in such a realistic way -- walk around, and its eyes will follow you. Try to stare it down, and it will take you up on the challenge... unless you succeed in glaring too viciously that is, at which point the eye will bashfully look away.

Looks like they were successful in their endeavor to "invert the condition of spectatorship."
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Art - The Opto-Isolator is a perfect example of interactive art which is gaining attention and can be used to promote customer engagement for different businesses.
2. Technology-driven Art - This invention shows how technology can be used to drive new forms of art and push creative boundaries for artists and businesses.
3. Artificial Intelligence Art - The Opto-Isolator is an innovative way to integrate artificial intelligence into art, which could be used as an opportunity for businesses to experiment with AI in marketing and branding.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design Industry - Art and design industry can incorporate interactive art installations that use technology to encourage audience engagement and create futuristic experiences.
2. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can use interactive art installations like the Opto-Isolator as a way to enhance immersive experiences within movies, games, and theme parks.
3. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Marketing and advertising industry can use this art as an innovative way to promote products through creative campaigns that integrate technology and art to make it futuristic and appealing to millennials.