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28 Innovative Steel Facades

From Monolithic Medical Centers to Ornamental Campus Facades

— October 12, 2015 — Art & Design
From over-the-top steel crystalline structures to wooden structures covered in treated steel panels, there are plenty of examples of steel facades that point to the future of the material in this specific aspect of architectural design.

In addition to being cost efficient, 100% recyclable and easy to install, steel as a building material offers design flexibility and due to its ability to stand up to any weather, are ideal for creating dynamic facades. From structural additions to multifunctional complexes to eco-friendly elements that optimize features such as natural light access, steel facades play various roles.

The Open Courts Sports Complex in Kayseri, Turkey is an example of a particularly geometrical approach to facade designs that inspire awe. Additionally, the Miu Miu Tokyo flagship store boasts a captivating brass-colored steel awning that is sure to entice as many admirers as the luxury wears.
Slenderly Screened Abodes
Slenderly Screened Abodes
This Three-Storey Home Features a Dramatic Lattice Concealment
Offset Linear Structures
Offset Linear Structures
Côté Dock Housing by Philippe Dubus Architectes Celebrates Asymmetry
Monolithic Sports Complexes
Monolithic Sports Complexes
This Multi-Sports Complex Will Appeal to Your Child-Like Curiosity
Shadowy Contemporary Compounds
Shadowy Contemporary Compounds
The Corten House is a Modernist Marvel in Tel Aviv, Israel
Contemporary Museum Interiors
Contemporary Museum Interiors
The New Santo Antonio Museum in Lisbon Replaces the Original
Steel Column Abodes
Steel Column Abodes
The Corten House's Steel Material Informs Its Design
Crinkled Steel Facades
Crinkled Steel Facades
The M03 House is Newly Fitted with a Lightweight Metal Roof Extension
Weathered Steel Facades
Weathered Steel Facades
This Community Center is Covered in an Oxidized Steel Exterior
Steel Latticed Abodes
Steel Latticed Abodes
The Godoy House Features a Unique Two-Volume Composition
Steel Awning Facades
Steel Awning Facades
The New Miu Miu Tokyo Flagship Store is Understated and Box-Like
Translucent Steel Churches
Translucent Steel Churches
This Belgian Steel Church is a Public Piece of Art Made of Many Layers
Steel Mesh Housing
Steel Mesh Housing
The MoyaMoya House by Studio Phenomenon is Sleek and Modern
Former Factory Residences
Former Factory Residences
The Cruickshank House is a Former Flower Bulb Factory in Toronto
Monolithic Medical Centers
Monolithic Medical Centers
This Healthcare Clinic Perfectly Captures the Architecture of Kuwait
Umbrella-Clad Architecture
Umbrella-Clad Architecture
The Madrid Pavilion by 3Gatti is Sheltered by a Facade of Parasols
Optical Illusion Architecture
Optical Illusion Architecture
The Oxford Library is Now Adorned with Steel Reflective Panels
Structural Steel Homes
Structural Steel Homes
Bangkok's 'Tinman' House is Inspired by the Heartless Character's Innards
Ornamental Campus Facades
Ornamental Campus Facades
This Stunning Building is Part of the U of Southern Denmark Campus
Tangled Steel Facades
Tangled Steel Facades
The Open Courts Sports Complex is a Community Enrichment Project
Geometrically Stacked Workspaces
Geometrically Stacked Workspaces
This Modern Office Features Cantilevered Volumes
Crystalline Shopping Centers
Crystalline Shopping Centers
The Starhill Gallery by Sparch is Luxuriously Faceted
Steel Outdoor Learning Centers
Steel Outdoor Learning Centers
The Colorado Building Workshop Presents a Space for Education
Hidden Hunting Cabins
Hidden Hunting Cabins
This Isolated Hunting Cabin Naturally Blends into Its Surroundings
Avant-Garde Atrium Architecture
Avant-Garde Atrium Architecture
The Studios at Monterrey Institute of Technology are Highly Modern
Pristine Prismatic Buildings
Pristine Prismatic Buildings
The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland Toys With Geometry
Angular Facade Architecture
Angular Facade Architecture
The Vanke Triple V Gallery Features Linear Accents
Arching Airplane Homes
Arching Airplane Homes
The Arc House is Modeled After an Airplane Hangar