The LEGO Super Mario Luigi's Mansion Collection Has Three Sets
Michael Hemsworth — November 2, 2021 — Life-Stages
The LEGO Super Mario Luigi's Mansion collection has been announced on the heels of the original collection to provide avid video game fans with a way to incorporate a spooky touch into their gameplay. The collection consists of three expansion sets that will work with the existing lineup to provide players with a spooky way to play. The sets are all themed with different experiences from the namesake video game lineup in mind and help bring the various levels to real life.
The LEGO Super Mario Luigi's Mansion collection has been announced ahead of a release that will take place in the new year starting on January 1, 2022. The various sets in the collection will be priced ranging from $30 to $80.
Image Credit: LEGO
The LEGO Super Mario Luigi's Mansion collection has been announced ahead of a release that will take place in the new year starting on January 1, 2022. The various sets in the collection will be priced ranging from $30 to $80.
Image Credit: LEGO
Trend Themes
1. Spooky Video Game Toy Sets - The growing interest in incorporating spooky elements into video game-themed toy sets presents opportunities for manufacturers to design more interactive and immersive toy sets that cater to consumer preferences.
2. Expansion Sets for Video Game-themed Toys - Manufacturers can create expansion sets that work with existing video game-themed toys, providing users with more versatile and customized playing experiences.
3. Interactive LEGO Toy Sets - Investing in the development of toy sets that integrate with technology, such as sensors and screens, will provide children with more immersive and engaging play experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing Industry - Toy manufacturers can leverage the rising demand for video game-themed toys to develop products that provide more immersive and interactive play experiences.
2. Video Game Industry - Collaborating with toy manufacturers to create toys that are based on popular video game franchises will provide video game publishers with an additional source of revenue.
3. Augmented Reality Industry - Creating toys that utilize augmented reality technology will provide children with more interactive and immersive play experiences while opening up new opportunities for the industry to innovate and grow.