Lee Murray's 'The Observer' Lets You Look into Any CCTV for a Quarter
Michael Hines — June 2, 2010 — Unique
References: mrleemurray & yankodesign
Lee Murray is a British product designer whose latest design may freak you out. It's called 'The Observer,' and it is a coin-operated booth that lets you look into any CCTV (closed circuit television) in the world that you want too.
Now Lee Murray's 'The Observer' is just a concept, but it still makes you wonder. I mean, with all the tech we have available to us today, who's to say that someone won't seize upon Lee Murray's idea and develop a functional 'Observer'? The future is here, and it's incredibly invasive.
Now Lee Murray's 'The Observer' is just a concept, but it still makes you wonder. I mean, with all the tech we have available to us today, who's to say that someone won't seize upon Lee Murray's idea and develop a functional 'Observer'? The future is here, and it's incredibly invasive.
Trend Themes
1. Coin-operated Peep Machines - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a functional 'Observer' that allows users to look into any CCTV in the world by paying a fee.
2. 'the Observer' Concept - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential of coin-operated booths that offer unique experiences and access to advanced technologies.
3. Invasive Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative solutions to address privacy concerns and security vulnerabilities associated with advanced surveillance technology.
Industry Implications
1. Product Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design coin-operated booths and related technologies that offer convenient and engaging experiences for users.
2. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced surveillance systems and related products that prioritize privacy and security without compromising functionality.
3. Security - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce cutting-edge solutions to counter invasive surveillance technologies and protect individual privacy in public spaces.