Aside Magazine Pops Off the Digital Page With HTML5
Christopher DeLuca — May 27, 2011 — Tech
Aside Magazine is the world's first digital magazine designed entirely using HTML5. The cutting-edge virtual publication is available for tablet owners. If you want to see the stunning graphics and how they have thought about the user experience, you can get a preview of the magazine but access online via your iPad.
Aside Magazine represents the evolution of the publications industry and how content is being created exclusively for Apple's iPad and other similar devices. Aside Magazine is definitely interesting to play around with to see what is possible for a magazine, how individuals can interact with it and how people consume information.
The developers were able to get around Apple's restrictive app guidelines by designing the magazine entirely with HTML5, which translates into all the profits from the Aside Magazines sold going to the designers.
Aside Magazine represents the evolution of the publications industry and how content is being created exclusively for Apple's iPad and other similar devices. Aside Magazine is definitely interesting to play around with to see what is possible for a magazine, how individuals can interact with it and how people consume information.
The developers were able to get around Apple's restrictive app guidelines by designing the magazine entirely with HTML5, which translates into all the profits from the Aside Magazines sold going to the designers.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Magazine Design - The evolution of digital magazines designed exclusively for tablets presents opportunities for innovative and interactive content creation.
2. HTML5 Publishing - Creating publications using HTML5 allows developers to bypass app guidelines and opens up new possibilities for content distribution.
3. User Experience Enhancement - Exploring how individuals interact with virtual publications can lead to disruptive innovations in how people consume information and engage with content.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - The rise of digital magazines and HTML5 publishing creates opportunities for traditional publishing companies to embrace new technologies and reach wider audiences.
2. Technology - As HTML5 becomes more prevalent in digital publishing, technology companies will have opportunities to develop innovative tools and platforms to support the creation and distribution of interactive virtual publications.
3. Advertising - The interactive nature of digital magazines created with HTML5 presents new avenues for advertisers to engage with audiences and deliver immersive brand experiences.