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Alex Scott

Assistant Editor
Member Since
Nov 2009
Hey there! My name is Alex Scott, Im 24 years old and have been living in the fair city of Toronto for five years now. Hailing originally from the small town of Norwood with a blistering population of 1300, I set my sights on the big city to come do my post secondary. Though I studied business and advertising in school, I am moving towards a career in journalism at the moment as my real passion is and always has been writing. To please my creative writing side I am currently developing a television sketch comedy show with two other people, which will hopefully get picked up in the next few years (fingers crossed!). In my spare time I love travelling, big trips or small, and playing in my band. I look forward to contributing to TrendHunter and bringing you all the latest news on music, travel, gadgets and more!
What's your favorite accomplishment?
I would have to say backpacking through Europe solo. It was the hardest thing initially to jump on a plane and head for foreign lands solo but as soon as I arrived fear turned to excitement and quickly realized that this is the best way to travel. I had the time of my life and will hopefully be heading out soon again!
How do you define cool?
What usually makes a product or an idea cool is that it has a cutting edge quality to it where it grabs enough people's attention, yet also retains a certain classic quality to give it staying power. This what i find seperates a fad from a trend. A perfect example of this would be a product that has been around for years, even decades yet keeps reinventing itself to stay fresh and hip.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
After bartending for two years in one of Toronto's hottest neighbourhoods I didnt have to look hard to find the latest trends, often they would come right up to the bar! Whether it is the latest style of jean, a rockstar beltbuckle or some new quirky cell phone accessory all I had to do was look around the restaurant and see which products would come in again and again to notice that they had eventually become full flung trends. When looking for the latest in gadgets for fashion you dont have to look much further than King West.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
Im brand new to the site but Id have to say my favourite feature so far is seeing trends in modern art I had no idea existed.
What is your favorite trend?
I would have to say the growing popularity of micro brewed beer. 2009 seems to be the year of the independent beer with more people snatching them up at the LCBO and more and more pubs around the city featuring them on their draught taps. They are not only a refreshing alternative from the mega breweries but a great way to support local business.
How do you reset to be creative?
Going for hikes is always a sure fire way to get the creative juices flowing again whether it be through a park in the city or some offbeat trail near my hometown.
What inspires or excites you?
For me travel is always the greatest source of inspiration. A change of scenery can sometimes prvoide an infinite source for creativity.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Summer Olympics for Toronto!
Pug-Promoting Methods
Pug-Promoting Methods
Interns Create Semi-Mobile Advertising & Use a Dog to Appeal to Consumers
If you like pugs wearing designer clothing (who doesn’t?) then Semi Mobile Advertising may be right up your alley. Ben and Alex are two creative interns in the advertising industry who were... MORE
Abract Amphitheaters
Abract Amphitheaters
The Frank Gehry New World Center Adds a Fresh Angle to Live Music
For those of you in both architecture and audio, you know how crucial design is when it comes to achieving the perfect sonic experience. The Frank Gehry New World Center brings together ultramodern aesthetics… MORE
Retro Office Menswear
Retro Office Menswear
The Umit Benan Fall 2011 Collection is Well-Suited for Work and Play
If you emulate the show Mad Men in both dress and lifestyle, then you know the series will soon move into the 70s and you're going to need to update your wardrobe to keep up. May I present the Umit Benan… MORE
Cadillac Couture
Cadillac Couture
Have Fun in the Sun with the 7 Diamonds Summer 2011 Collection
The 7 Diamonds Summer 2011 collection offers a a classic and fun look that will let you leave your 9 to 5 behind and have a truly free summer. I bet you're already planning that cross country road trip… MORE
Splitting Smartphones
Splitting Smartphones
Upgrade Your Memory with Ease With the HTC Tube
The concept of the HTC Tube will likely be the next step in smartphone evolution, I predict. Presently when buying a new mobile, you can only choose one memory capacity (whether it be 8GB, 16GB etc.).… MORE
Cliffhanger Hotels
Cliffhanger Hotels
The Hilton Pattaya Hotel Reaches to the Ends of the Earth in Luxury
Situated in one of the most beautiful regions of Thailand, the Hilton Pattaya hotel offers stunning imagery and design usually only found in a piece of abstract art. With architecture as elegant and flowing… MORE
Beauty-Enhancing Boats
Beauty-Enhancing Boats
The Bota Bota Ferry Spa Takes Foot Rubs to the High Seas
Docked at Montreal's Old Port on the St. Lawrence River, the Bota Bota ferry spa is the first ever of its kind to be established on shaky grounds -- or should I say wavy grounds. Bought by two sisters… MORE
Clear Globular Abodes
Clear Globular Abodes
The Room For London Spherical Home Breaks Down the Walls of Architecture
If you're the type who fancies putting all of their worldly possessions on display, or one who enjoys a homestead without corners, then the Room For London spherical home may just be for you. Designed… MORE
Touch Screen Cooktops
Touch Screen Cooktops
The iChef Kitchen Lets You Preprogram Meals
You can cancel your subscription to the Food Network right now: The iChef Kitchen is your new Bobby Flay. With an array of recipes, backed by a powerful "brain," this feat of culinary wizardry will let… MORE
Dark Mesmerizing Menswear
Dark Mesmerizing Menswear
Stare the Cold Away With the Diwon Fall 2011 Collection
I too would stare meaningfully into the abyss if i wear layered in some of the fine pieces from the Diwon Fall 2011 Collection. Featuring some interesting velvet pea coats and a particularly eye-catching… MORE
Razor-Edged Racecars
Razor-Edged Racecars
The Ferrari Enzo Prototype Cuts Through the Road Like Butter
Question: How much drugs must one sell to afford a Ferrari Enzo prototype? Answer: Don't sell drugs -- it's not a stable career choice. Unfortunately, unless your an oil tycoon or Keith Urban, there is… MORE
Malleable Mobiles
Malleable Mobiles
This AMOLED Flip Phone Does Away With the Rigidities of Communication
Though the newest smartphones on the market have pretty much every feature we could dream of in a cellular device, they are still made as stiff, quite fragile machines. The featured AMOLED flip phone by… MORE
Uncanny Celeb Photoshopping
Uncanny Celeb Photoshopping
The Stars Shine Bright in Consumido's Digital Painting Collection
Being just a beginner in the realm of photoshop myself, I always tend to marvel at what can be done by a single art-based software program. Artist Maylaya Consumido shows off her skills here with this… MORE
Luxurious Low Riders
Luxurious Low Riders
Get Your Wealth on with the Fenice Milan Gold and Diamonds Fiat
Owning a $200,000 dollar sports car is so 2010. Nowadays it's all about buying a modest sedan and encrusting it with all of the gold and jewels of the orient, as is evident with the Fenice Milan Gold and… MORE
iPad-Enabled Instruments
iPad-Enabled Instruments
The Ion Piano Master is Music Heaven for the Tablet Lover
Was your New Year's resolution this year to learn an instrument? The Ion Piano Master is here to make that task a little less daunting. Allowing you to dock your iPad directly with the piano, it features… MORE
Bohemian Formalwear
Bohemian Formalwear
Lighten Up the Office with the ASOS 2011 Spring Collection
The ASOS 2011 Spring Collection offers a fresh lookbook of ensembles that play with the idea of turning officewear on its head. Vests without shirts? Sneakers without socks? Handkerchiefs tied casually… MORE
Serpentine Sound Systems
Serpentine Sound Systems
Don't Constrict Your Tunes, Get the Diana Dumitrescu USB Speaker
The USB Speaker is bringing back some terrifying tot memories of the movie Tremors, which scared the hell out of me as a kid. Kevin Bacon movies aside, the USB Speaker is meant to pack a serious punch… MORE
Muted Celtic Menswear
Muted Celtic Menswear
The Pringle of Scotland 2011 Fall Collection Reaches for the Highlands
Though some are already looking towards spring with tidings of v-necks and cargo shorts, I am still stuck in the throes of winter which is why I have sought out the Pringle of Scotland 2011 Fall Collection.… MORE
Nerdy 3D Movie Scooters
Nerdy 3D Movie Scooters
Pick Up Your Date on the Tron Segway I2
Now you may think Segways are already geeky enough, but deck theTron Segway I2 is a whole new level of dweeb. The Tron Segway I2 is a tricked-out two wheeler using simple materials meant to pay homage… MORE
Dishware-Cleansing Furniture
Dishware-Cleansing Furniture
Keep the Kitchen Sink Empty With the Dishwashing Table
This featured Dishwashing Table is here to make that burdensome post-dinner chore of washing dishes a little more bearable. Combining your dining room table with the plate-cleaner, the Dishwashing Table… MORE
Hyped-Up Hovercars
Hyped-Up Hovercars
Smooth Out Your Commute With the Chase 2053
Rather than investing in a new suspension set at Canadian Tire to keep your car ride smooth, you should put your savings toward the Chase 2053. With the ability to run on both land and air, the Chase… MORE
Blinged-Out Award Shows
Blinged-Out Award Shows
The Swarovski Golden Globe Stage Shined Brighter Than the Stars
Last night, the Beverly Hilton Hotel was brighter than the Milky Way as all the stars were out in full force for the celebrated awards show and the Swarovski Golden Globe Stage. With more than 3000 pounds… MORE
Lens-Powered Listening Gadgets
Lens-Powered Listening Gadgets
See What They're Saying With the Visual Hearing Aid
Gone are the bulky hearing aids that hang off of the ear; they've been replaced by a much more stylish device known as the Visual Hearing Aid. Looking like a Warhol fashion statement, these specs include… MORE
Atmosphere-Powered Refrigerators
Atmosphere-Powered Refrigerators
Chill Out with the Humidity-Powered IceCloud Fridge
Summer's here, and you know it's harder than ever to keep those beers ice cold. The IceCloud Fridge actually uses the warm air and moisture in your home to keep your beverages extra cold. Black magic,… MORE
iPhone 4 Song-Blasters
iPhone 4 Song-Blasters
The Sonic Tube Speaker is the Littlest Big Sound You'll Have This Summer
If you're able to house 10,000 songs in a 7" x 3" machine, you probably want the tunes used to project those songs to be just as small. The Sonic Tube Speaker is the newest micro boom box to hook up to… MORE
Wall-Climbing Kicks
Wall-Climbing Kicks
If You're Ready to Take Walking to the Next Level, You Need the 980 Tatou Shoe
You may have heard of the niche extreme sport that calls itself Parkour, see the opening action sequence of 'Casino Royale' to get a better idea. However, the sport is not widely practiced, and very few… MORE
Sneaker-Infused Sports Cars
Sneaker-Infused Sports Cars
The Adidas Mobility Vehicle Brings the Fast and the Furious
In 1978, chocolate and peanut butter finally met; in 1991, beer and citrus; and now it's footwear and automobiles that have become inseparable partners. Introducing the Adidas Mobility vehicle -- part… MORE
Shooting Star Sneakers
Shooting Star Sneakers
The Reebok X Girl Insta Pump Shoes are Astronomazing
If you love wearing your favorite star constellations right on your feet, then you are going to absolutely adore the Reebok X Girl Insta Pump. Half astronomy lesson and half Duran Duran music video, these… MORE
Urbanized ATVs
Urbanized ATVs
Tackle the Rugged Landscape of Mall Parking Lots with the 'Hawk Zero S'
When we think of urban vehicles, we think of Vespas or Smart Cars. We typically don't think of anything remotely close to the Hawk Zero S. But you will now. What better way to arrive at the Symphony Orchestra… MORE
Futuristic Inflatable Wave Riders
Futuristic Inflatable Wave Riders
Conquer Summer with the Divetek Water Propeller
Looking for something a little more fun than a skim board for the water, but still can't quite afford that jet ski? No worries, the Divetek water propeller is here to make some waves in your summer fun… MORE
Boarding School Couture
Boarding School Couture
Class is in Session with the Brothers 2010 Autumn Collection
If you're looking to put a little Ivy League into your wardrobe this fall, you definitely need to give the Brothers 2010 Autumn collection a serious look. Everything you need to look like a real scholar… MORE
Supersonic Eco Cars
Supersonic Eco Cars
The Touch Down Car Tackles Some Serious Speed Records
Unless you're racing to get to the grocery store in six seconds or less, this Touch Down electric car is probably not the vehicle you'd drive to run errands. The Touch Down car is the newest earth-friendly… MORE
Holographic Wrist Phones
Holographic Wrist Phones
Keep an Eye on Your Social Life with the Dew Wearable Cellphone
If 2010 is the year of all things touchscreen, I predict 2011 will be the year of digital projection. The Dew wearable cellphone will immerse you into the world of science fiction you have been yearning… MORE
Plant-Powered Pedalers
Plant-Powered Pedalers
The Co2 Electric Bicycle will Surely Flower on the Consumer Market
Many have heard of various vehicles being powered using sun and water energy, but I bet you have yet to come across a ride that derives its power from flowers! The Co2 Electric Bicycle has the same characteristics… MORE
Ear-Sized Phones
Ear-Sized Phones
Carry the Conversation with the LG Tag
Though BlackBerrys and iPhones really are the bee's knees, they don't always fit the best in that jean pocket of yours. The LG Tag is here to make ample room for your wallet and keys once again. The device,… MORE
Origami Sound Systems
Origami Sound Systems
Amplify Your Commute with the Flexible iPhone Speakers
Although music technology is continuously getting smaller and more compact, when it comes to speakers, the big clunky cubes from the old days are still what comes to mind. Hopefully, these flexible iPhone… MORE

Featured Ideas

Combat Couture
Combat Couture
The Balmain Homme 2010 Autumn Collection Commands Attention
Want to look like a bona fide badass this fall? All you need is an officer overcoat from the Balmain Homme 2010 Autumn Collection. Mix in some combat boots and some cargos and no one will dare wage war… MORE
Oceanic Seating
Oceanic Seating
The Orca Comfort Chair is Sure to Make a Splash in Your Living Room
Everybody like a good recliner, there's no question there, but the Orca comfort chair is seriously laid back. I mean, look at this thing, you're basically level with the ground when you're sitting on it.… MORE
Portable Clean Air Pods
Portable Clean Air Pods
The O3 Personal Oxygen Unit Trades Pollution for Purity
Hopefully the day is still a long way off when we have to start carrying personal respirators because the air in the atmosphere is too polluted too breathe. However, it’s never too early to start planning… MORE
Buildable Buggies
Buildable Buggies
The Joyride Toy Car Will Turn Your Kid into a Speed Demon
If you have a little one, you know how important it is to give them fresh air and exercise, and the Joyride toy car just might get them to put down their toys and experience some real-world fun. Designed… MORE
Insectified Decks
Insectified Decks
The Stacks 2010 Spring Skateboards Will Have You Bugging Out
If your skateboard is a brush and the park is a canvas, you want to make sure you got some damn good paint before you start making art. The Stacks 2010 Spring skateboards feature some of the more vibrant… MORE
Tubular Telephones
Tubular Telephones
The Marc Schomann Homephone Dials Up a New Look For Communication
With a lot of creative energy going into designing mobile phones, landlines get left in the dust. Though it's true less and less people use a home phone, those who still utilize its services are stuck… MORE
Concealed Mobile Kitchens
Concealed Mobile Kitchens
Put Your Meals on Wheels with the He Ruimin Kitchen Cabinet
Lately, I have been seeing kitchens becoming smaller and smaller. Am I losing my mind? Quite the contrary, I assure you. The He Ruimin Kitchen Cabinet is the latest in a growing line of super compact,… MORE
Fishy Computer Peripherals
Fishy Computer Peripherals
The Shark Mouse Concept is a Lean Mean Surfing Machine
Don't worry, the Shark Mouse concept doesn't bite--if it does, you're probably using it upside down or something. With its ergonomic shape and minimal surface contact, this baby is likely to just glide… MORE
Supersonic Eco Cars
Supersonic Eco Cars
The Touch Down Car Tackles Some Serious Speed Records
Unless you're racing to get to the grocery store in six seconds or less, this Touch Down electric car is probably not the vehicle you'd drive to run errands. The Touch Down car is the newest earth-friendly… MORE
Glowing Green Bills
Glowing Green Bills
Luminous Paper Money Ensures You Never Lose Your Wallet Again
When you're in a giant nightclub it's hard to see anything, never mind a few dark bills sitting in the recesses of your wallet. Let's say you've had a few and your judgement's a little impaired. You go… MORE
Phone-Fueled Appliances
Phone-Fueled Appliances
The FTK Future Kitchen Controls Cuisine Through the Power of Text
Nowadays we use our phones for pretty much everything except to cook a meal, but he FTK future kitchen will now allow us to be masters of the culinary world by simply hitting a few digits on our handheld.… MORE
iPad-Enabled Instruments
iPad-Enabled Instruments
The Ion Piano Master is Music Heaven for the Tablet Lover
Was your New Year's resolution this year to learn an instrument? The Ion Piano Master is here to make that task a little less daunting. Allowing you to dock your iPad directly with the piano, it features… MORE
Digital Nature Fitness Machines
Digital Nature Fitness Machines
The Zebris FDM T Treadmill Simulates an Outdoor Environment
For those of you who want visual stimulation when you run but don't want to jog through crowded city streets and parks, the Zebris FDM T Treadmill will be your new favorite toy. Complete with a giant LCD… MORE
Tablet-Syncing Phones
Tablet-Syncing Phones
The Sun Woong Oh Smartbook Will Be Your iPad's Best Friend
Ok, as fun as touch screen devices are, they can take a bit of time to get used to. Even though you may have the latest gadget, sometimes it's just nice to have a boring old keyboard to use with it. The… MORE