This UV-Resistant Shielding Space is Imagined for Australia
Michael Hemsworth — November 10, 2021 — Art & Design
References: yankodesign
This UV-resistant shielding space has been conceptually designed as an architectural structure for Queensland, Australia as a way to make the public space a little safer from solar radiation. The structure makes use of solar energy along with green fluorescent protein as well as an ultraviolet module to create a bionic shield against harmful UV rays during the daylight hours. The structure will reveal a light-up aesthetic after dark to make it a wonder to admire after the daylight hours.
The conceptual UV-resistant shielding space is the design work of Chsiao-Yu Sun and Chien-Hsun Chen, and would be capable of shifting in its orientation throughout the day to offer enhanced protection from the sun according to conditions.
The conceptual UV-resistant shielding space is the design work of Chsiao-Yu Sun and Chien-Hsun Chen, and would be capable of shifting in its orientation throughout the day to offer enhanced protection from the sun according to conditions.
Trend Themes
1. Uv-resistant Architecture - There is an opportunity for architects and designers to integrate UV-resistance into their designs for safer public spaces.
2. Green Energy - There is potential for further development and integration of green energy sources in architectural designs.
3. Bionic Shielding - Developments in biotechnology can be integrated into architecture to create bionic shielding against environmental factors.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - The concept of UV-resistant designs can be explored by architects and designers to create safer public spaces.
2. Energy and Power - The integration of green energy in architectural designs presents potential opportunities for the energy and power industry.
3. Biotechnology - The integration of biotechnology in architectural designs presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the biotech industry.