These Renderings by Federico Babina Focus on Famous Landmarks
Abdullah Noorzaie — May 9, 2014 — Art & Design
References: fastcodesign
Imagine your country's architecture, all the buildings and stuff that makes it stand out, that you can be proud of in a well done poster. You're in luck because artist Federico Babina has done just that. This isn't the first time he tried to draw buildings, as he has done renderings in the past to imitate what some buildings would look like if they were designed by famous artists like Picasso, Salvador Dali or Joan Miro.
You can check some of his other work at his website at If you want to buy the poster versions of these, and see more of them, you can get them here
You can check some of his other work at his website at If you want to buy the poster versions of these, and see more of them, you can get them here
Trend Themes
1. Architectural Illustrations - This trend of creating artistic illustrations of famous buildings and landmarks offers opportunities for artists and designers to showcase their creativity in architecture.
2. Building Design Collaboration - The use of architectural illustrations as a collaboration tool presents disruptive innovation opportunities for architects and designers to visualize and communicate design ideas more effectively.
3. Art-inspired Architecture - The fusion of art and architecture, as demonstrated by Federico Babina's illustrations, opens up avenues for architects to incorporate artistic elements into their designs, creating unique and visually appealing structures.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can leverage the trend of architectural illustrations to create and sell artwork, posters, and other merchandise featuring famous landmarks.
2. Architecture and Construction - The architecture and construction industry can benefit from the use of architectural illustrations as a collaboration tool to streamline the design process and enhance communication between stakeholders.
3. Tourism and Travel - The tourism and travel industry can capitalize on the popularity of architectural illustrations by promoting destinations and landmarks through visually stunning artwork and merchandise.