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34 Precious Puppies

From Flush Puppies to Glow-in-the-Dark Puppies

— January 24, 2010 — Lifestyle
35 Precious Puppies proves that all puppies are perfect. When puppies grow up and turn into dogs often times they get ugly. But puppies are always cute. Forever.

Seriously how can you say any of these 35 Precious Puppies are ugly? You can’t and you wouldn’t dare do such a thing in my presence. I’m a big softy when it comes to dogs, if you couldn’t tell.

Implications - The pet craze has always been prevalent in pop culture; however, it has experienced a boom recently as consumers seek more companionship in these financially uncertain times. Products from the pet industry today put a focus on pet personification, helping consumers solidify a deep relationship with their critters.
Puppy Love
Puppy Love
36 Designers Create Puppies to Fight Cancer
Posh Plush Puppies
Posh Plush Puppies
Andrew Logan's Pink Poodle Takes Over Store Displays
Maniacal Collage Art
Maniacal Collage Art
Daisy Edwards Features Kitties, Puppies and Furry Things for Next New Network
Flush Puppies
Flush Puppies
Dino The Dog Gets Saved From a Drain Pipe After Being Flushed
Alternate Sporting Events
Alternate Sporting Events
Animal Planet's 'Puppy Bowl' Gives Girls a Super Bowl 2009 Alternative
Terrorist Puppies
Terrorist Puppies
Inmate Charities
Inmate Charities
Puppies Behind Bars
Puppy-Shaped Chargers
Puppy-Shaped Chargers
Sanyo's Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries and Adorable Charger
Canine Social Networking
Canine Social Networking
Australian Dogtree Lets You Find Puppy Playmates Online
Fashionable Dog Safety Devices
Fashionable Dog Safety Devices
Puppy Bumpers
Presidential Puppy Plushies
Presidential Puppy Plushies
Portuguese Water Dog Bo Obama Becomes a Beanie Baby
Companion Puppies for Wounded Veterans
Companion Puppies for Wounded Veterans
The Dog Tags Program
Puppy Lovin' Paintings
Puppy Lovin' Paintings
Alfonso Muro Illustrates His Favorite Chihuahua
Coloured Animals
Coloured Animals
The Green Puppy
Pooch Pouches
Pooch Pouches
The Puppy Bag Let you Carry Your Dog Wherever You Go
Glow-in-the-Dark Puppies
Glow-in-the-Dark Puppies
Transgenic Dog Helps Researchers Understand Disease
Spy On The Kids
Spy On The Kids
Puppy Cam
Hush Puppy — No Shock "Anti-Bark" Collar
Hush Puppy — No Shock "Anti-Bark" Collar
Presidential Puppies
Presidential Puppies
Obama Family's First Dog Will Make Media Debut on Tuesday
Wooden Dog Lamps
Wooden Dog Lamps
The JamesPlumb 'Albie' Puppy Light Offers a Fetching Glow
Presidential Pet Hype
Presidential Pet Hype
Obama Promises Children A Puppy
Haute Canine Rests
Haute Canine Rests
The Puppy Hugger Luxury Dog Beds Keep Fido Happy
Online Dating for Dogs
Online Dating for Dogs
Puppy Love Gets Digital
Hasbro iDog Robotic Puppy
Hasbro iDog Robotic Puppy
Denim Dogs
Denim Dogs
Levi's and Cram Jam Chest Create the Uber-Lovable 'Sit Puppy'
Cake Kits for Dogs
Cake Kits for Dogs
'Puppy Cakes' Boxed Mixes for DIY Canine Celebrations
Plastic Surgery for Puppies
Plastic Surgery for Puppies
World's First Dog Face Transplant Performed
Diamonds for Dogs
Diamonds for Dogs
Nordstrom Targets Spoiled Puppies
Interactive Pet Advertisements
Interactive Pet Advertisements
The Pedigree Virtual Puppy Billboard
Bionic Dogs
Bionic Dogs
Maltese Puppy With Front Wheels, Not Paws
Questionable Puppy Love
Questionable Puppy Love
Is the Style Sense Editorial Shoot Sensual, Sexual or Artistic?
Puppy Holsters
Puppy Holsters
The Doggie Bjorn Keeps Your Pooch Close to Your Heart
Latex Octopus-Puppies
Latex Octopus-Puppies
Kariwan's Surreal Hybrid Animal Costumes