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41 Body Bandage Innovations

From High-Tech Bandages to First Aid Accessories

— May 25, 2011 — Tech
If you are in dire need of healing and need something to help you mend, these bandage innovations are sure to help.

Whether it is for a broken heart or simply a minor cut, these bandage innovations are sure to block the germs out and ease the pain. From high-tech bandages to first aid accessories, bandages are no longer seen as a sign of hurt, but rather, have become a category in fashion. From badass tattoo bandages to bandaid shoes, the plaster has become a unique integration into everyday lives.

Bandage innovations have grown to include braille band-aid boxes that will help the visually challenged read as well as migraine-treating bandages to help ease the headache pain. One thing is for sure, out of these bandage innovations, there is surely one to help you heal.
High-Tech Bandages
High-Tech Bandages
The Heart Nanopatch Provides a Scaffold for Natural Tissue Rebuild
Migraine-Treating Bandages
Migraine-Treating Bandages
The Zelrix Migraine Patch Fights Migraines With Electric Medication
Carbon-Based Band-Aids
Carbon-Based Band-Aids
The Graphene Bandage Has Built-In Bacteria Barriers
Adhesive Bandage Art
Adhesive Bandage Art
Kristina Bell Ditullo Fixes Up Some Clever Art Boards With Band-Aids
Meaty Cut Covers
Meaty Cut Covers
These Bacon Strips Adhesive Bandages Help Cure Minor Chops
Color-Changing Bandages
Color-Changing Bandages
Fraunhofer Researchers Develop Dressing that Signals Infection
Story-Telling Healers
Story-Telling Healers
The What Happened Bandages from Urban Outfitters Makes Your Cuts Cool
Bejeweled Cut Covers
Bejeweled Cut Covers
The Bling Bandages Help Heal Wounds in a Stylish Way
Abnormally Big Bandages
Abnormally Big Bandages
The Interpolis Healthcare Ads Illustrate the Overinsured
Edible Wound Dressings
Edible Wound Dressings
Candy Bandages are Disgustingly Delicious
Fuel Cell Stickers
Fuel Cell Stickers
Wedding Emergency Kits
Wedding Emergency Kits
Mojuba Wedding Day Survival Kit Keeps Brides & Grooms Prepared
First Aid Accessories
First Aid Accessories
The Band-Aid Ring by Michelle Lopez Will Cover Any Finger Boo Boo
Ritzy Bandage Bling
Ritzy Bandage Bling
The Toby Jones 'Bandaid' Ring is a Fabulous Accessory Oddity
Meat Band-Aids
Meat Band-Aids
Apligraf, Factory-Grown Living Tissue, Heals Chronic Wounds
Customized Band-Aids
Customized Band-Aids
The Long and Short Plaster Acts Like a Tape Dispenser
Kiss Bandaids
Kiss Bandaids
Boo Boo Adhesives
Gross Illustrated Band-Aids
Gross Illustrated Band-Aids
Scabs Bandages Put Maggots and Spiders on Your Sores
Razorbladed Bandages
Razorbladed Bandages
Band-Aids Get a Gruesome Touch From Stephen J. Shanabrook
Floor Bandages
Floor Bandages
The Band Aid Rug Covers Imperfections Just like a Wound
Humorous Weekday Aids
Humorous Weekday Aids
The Workday Recovery Kit is the Cure for Your Miserable Workday Blues
Light Bandages to Cure Cancer
Light Bandages to Cure Cancer
Portable Photodynamic Therapy Makes Treatment Easier
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
Bandages for the Heart
Tattoo Bandages
Tattoo Bandages
Look Tough When You Cover Your Boo Boo
Candy Scabs
Candy Scabs
Lick Your Wounds
Charitable Bandages
Charitable Bandages
Proceeds From the Cynthia Rowley Band-Aids Go to Design Ignites Change
Leather Band-Aids
Leather Band-Aids
Scott Amron's Badass Black Bandages for Fashionable First Aid
Superhero Bandages
Superhero Bandages
Ouch Comic Strip Bandages
Cartoon Bandages
Cartoon Bandages
Mariah Carey Reignites Old Trend
Car Band-Aids
Car Band-Aids
The Magnetic Car Plaster is Perfect for Hiding Rust Stains
Braille Band-Aid Boxes
Braille Band-Aid Boxes
U.S. Seeing Textured Packaging for the Visually Impaired
Oddball Bandages
Oddball Bandages
Cupcake and Eyeball Bandaids Cover Your Wounds in Style
Anti-Scar Bandage
Anti-Scar Bandage
Memory Polymers Preserve Your Beauty
Bandaid Shoes
Bandaid Shoes
Dr. Romanelli's Converse Shoe for Charity
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Declaring Your Love (for First Aid) With Romantic Bandages
Emotional Band-Aids
Emotional Band-Aids
The WTF Bandages Let You Share Your Thoughts Even When You're Hurt
Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Band-Aid Jewelry
Band-Aid Jewelry
Pflasterringe Rings
Heartbreak Healing Supplies
Heartbreak Healing Supplies
The ‘I Will Survive Kit' Helps Battle the Break-Up
a Bandage Made for Your Shade
Fashion Bandages
Fashion Bandages
Artsy Band-Aids