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20 Baby Food Innovations

From Digitized Infant Accessories to Blended Baby Superfoods

— March 12, 2015 — Life-Stages
Baby food innovations have taken the world by storm, as new parents attempt to stay ahead of the curve with new formulas and digitized tools.

Adults who have committed to health and wellness are searching for baby food and formula that is as nutritious and beneficial as possible for their children. Out on the market, there are organic and superfood-infused options that put regular baby food to shame. If you want your baby to be vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free before they can walk and talk, there are ways to make that happen.

Along with nutrition, efficiency is key for parents who are strapped for time. Digitized baby bottles, soothers and tracking apps help the time-crunched parent stay on top of their duties.
Precise Baby Formula Machines
Precise Baby Formula Machines
Eliminate the Guesswork of Making Baby Formula with the Formula Pro
Trackable Baby Bottles
Trackable Baby Bottles
The Sleevely Baby Bottle Monitors Your Child's Feeding Habits
Smart Baby Bottle Sleeves
Smart Baby Bottle Sleeves
'Sleevely' Monitors Babies' Feeding Schedule and Nutritional Intake
Geodesic Bottle Grabbers
Geodesic Bottle Grabbers
The Ba Baby Bottle Holder Enables Your Infant to Grasp More Adeptly
Hi-Tech Bottle Warmers
Hi-Tech Bottle Warmers
Beaba's Baby Bottle Warmer is Sophisticated & Makes Parents' Lives Easier
Organic Convenient Baby Food
Organic Convenient Baby Food
Baby Gourmet's Natural Organic Baby Food is Delicious
Infant Food Storage Systems
Infant Food Storage Systems
Infantino's Squeeze Station Makes Packaging DIY Baby Food a Breeze
Blended Baby Superfoods
Blended Baby Superfoods
NurturMeal Super Blends is a Yummy Range of Gluten-Free Baby Food
Secretly Healthy Kid's Snacks
Secretly Healthy Kid's Snacks
Oh My Veggies Helps Make a Fruit Leather with a Healthy Surprise
Frozen Infant Food Trays
Frozen Infant Food Trays
The Baby Food Freezer Tray by OXO Keeps Homemade Baby Food Fresh
Wholesome Kinder Yogurt
Wholesome Kinder Yogurt
The Happy Family Organic Baby Greek Yogurt is Healthy and Hearty
Anti-Bacterial Utensils
Anti-Bacterial Utensils
Silver Spoon Kills Germs Without Using Harmful Chemicals
Toddler Nutrient Consumption Charts
Toddler Nutrient Consumption Charts
This Healthy Food for Babies Infographic is a Great Tool
Playful Toy-Like Utensils
Playful Toy-Like Utensils
Get Imaginative When Feeding Your Child with the Donkey Baby Spoon
Soother-Like Baby Feeders
Soother-Like Baby Feeders
The Food Feeder Plus Helps Babies Learn to Eat Solid Foods
Digitized Infant Accessories
Digitized Infant Accessories
Slow Control's Baby GiGL is a Tech-Infused Baby Bottle Holder
All-Natural Baby Food
All-Natural Baby Food
Beech-Nut Brings Real Food for Babies That Taste Great
Portable Formula Mixers
Portable Formula Mixers
The Bla Baby Bottle Lightens Mothers' Loads and Increases Convenience
Baby Booze Bottles
Baby Booze Bottles
The Chill Baby Lil’ Lager Looks Like a Beer But is Just Another Baby Bottle
Baby Bottle Yogurt Packaging
Baby Bottle Yogurt Packaging
Yura is a Yogurt For Babies Designed by Art and Design Students