This Hilarious Behind-the-GIFs Illustration Series Will Get You Hooked
Farida Helmy — July 22, 2014 — Art & Design
References: noobtheloser.tumblr & designtaxi
If you are looking to kill some time or are looking for something to cheer you up when your day is just going wrong in every way possible, then these adorable and super funny behind-the-scenes viral GIF comics are sure to crack you up.
Imagining what would have happened to make certain viral GIFs come to life, illustrator AC Stuart started his ‘Noob The Loser’ on Tumblr and it is hilarious. The behind-the-scenes viral GIF comics play out full scenarios in which the illustrator makes up characters and comical situations to make sure that the comics fuse into the GIFs naturally.
So if GIFs and hand drawn-styled comics are your thing, you are definitely bound to fall in love with Stuart’s comics and his entertaining blog.
Imagining what would have happened to make certain viral GIFs come to life, illustrator AC Stuart started his ‘Noob The Loser’ on Tumblr and it is hilarious. The behind-the-scenes viral GIF comics play out full scenarios in which the illustrator makes up characters and comical situations to make sure that the comics fuse into the GIFs naturally.
So if GIFs and hand drawn-styled comics are your thing, you are definitely bound to fall in love with Stuart’s comics and his entertaining blog.
Trend Themes
1. Viral GIF Comics - Opportunity to create viral GIF comics that provide a humorous behind-the-scenes perspective on popular GIFs.
2. Illustration Series - Opportunity to develop an illustration series that adds a creative twist to viral content.
3. Hand-drawn Comics - Opportunity to showcase artistic talent and create engaging hand-drawn comics that capture the essence of popular GIFs.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Opportunity for comedians and entertainers to leverage viral GIF comics as a source of humor and entertainment content.
2. Digital Media - Opportunity for digital media platforms to feature viral GIF comics as a unique and engaging form of visual content.
3. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to explore the intersection of illustration and popular internet culture through viral GIF comics.