New Balance Presents the Jerry Haha CHERRY Exhibition
Amy Duong — October 7, 2022 — Art & Design
References: hypebeast
New Balance presents its new art exhibition in Hong Kong that highlights the 9060 with Jerry Haha CHERRY. The artworks highlight the concepts of the past, present, and future that the 99X series spins off of essentially. The art features the works of many new talents and channels the transition of the city as creative minds transpire from the 90s and up to the y2k generation.
The exhibition highlights works from artists Domz, Cherlene Man, Jacks, and Katol. Jerry talks about the new launch, speaking about the bedroom concept with “it’s the real picture of young people: a bit chaotic but passionate about their dreams. This creativity and eagerness of pursuing dreams shall exist in every generation.”
Image Credit: Artificial Dust
The exhibition highlights works from artists Domz, Cherlene Man, Jacks, and Katol. Jerry talks about the new launch, speaking about the bedroom concept with “it’s the real picture of young people: a bit chaotic but passionate about their dreams. This creativity and eagerness of pursuing dreams shall exist in every generation.”
Image Credit: Artificial Dust
Trend Themes
1. Y2k-inspired Art - The trend of Y2K-inspired art highlights an opportunity for brands to collaborate with emerging artists to create vibrant and nostalgic works that appeal to younger generations.
2. 90s Nostalgia - Nostalgia for the 90s has emerged as a trend, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities for companies to incorporate retro design elements into their products or marketing campaigns.
3. Creative Transitions - Highlighting the transition of young and creative minds from the 90s to the Y2K generation presents an opportunity for brands to create products or campaigns that celebrate creativity and youth culture.
Industry Implications
1. Art Exhibition Industry - The Y2K-inspired art trend presents an opportunity for the art exhibition industry to showcase emerging artists and nostalgic themes that appeal to younger generations.
2. Fashion Industry - Collaborations between fashion brands and emerging artists could create new opportunities to infuse retro design elements into fashion products that cater to the 90s nostalgia trend.
3. Marketing Industry - The trend of Y2K-inspired art and 90s nostalgia can be harnessed by marketing companies to create campaigns that celebrate youth culture and appeal to younger audiences.