Beeple's Human One Artwork Has Physical and Digital Components
Laura McQuarrie — October 29, 2021 — Art & Design
References: instagram & designtaxi
Mike Winkelmann, better known as Beeple, has sold NFT works of art for many millions of dollars and the artist's latest piece called Human One is a physical sculpture with digital aspects. Inspired by elements of non-fungible tokens, Human One is a hybrid work of art that will continue to evolve. The seven-foot box consists of LED displays and 24-hour video that creates the illusion of a life-size astronaut walking in a dystopian setting. As Beeple says, "While a traditional work of art is more akin to a finite statement, frozen in time at the moment it was completed, this artwork’s unique ability to be updated makes it more akin to an ongoing conversation."
After making a record-breaking $69 million USD sale at Christie's, Beeple is returning to the auction house with Human One and the piece is expected to make about $15 million USD.
After making a record-breaking $69 million USD sale at Christie's, Beeple is returning to the auction house with Human One and the piece is expected to make about $15 million USD.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Artworks - The emergence of hybrid artworks blurring the line between physical and digital art presents opportunities for innovative collaborations between artists, tech developers, and manufacturers.
2. NFT Artworks - The rising popularity of NFT artworks signifies the potential for disruption in the art industry, granting artists a new revenue stream and pushing for new sales models and mediums.
3. Dynamic Artworks - The development of dynamic artworks with the ability to evolve and be updated marks a significant shift in the way art is created, viewed, and experienced, opening up opportunities for interactive and personalized experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art Industry - The art industry can explore how to incorporate technology into their traditional practices, creating new forms of viewing, selling, and experiencing art.
2. Tech Industry - The tech industry can find opportunities in collaborating with artists to develop new platforms, tools, and solutions that enable innovative forms of art creation and presentation.
3. Manufacturing Industry - The manufacturing industry can adapt to changing demands for hybrid artworks by exploring how to produce and distribute digital and physical components that are versatile, scalable, and sustainable.