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30 Inedible Meat Innovations

From PETA Shockvertising to Bacon Shoes

— May 31, 2010 — Lifestyle
Remember when your mom used to say, “Don't play with your food?" Well, the people responsible for these inedible meat innovations must have never listened to their moms.

This cluster is packed with meat you can't eat. It includes meat-inspired furniture, iPod accessories, purses, shoes and clothing. There is also a tons of meat-inspired art. From PETA shockvertising to bacon shoes, sink your teeth into these inedible meat innovations.

Implications - I guarantee you they are not the kind of food displays that will have you longing for lunch or dinner. In fact, looking through this collection of meat innovations may just take a solid stomach. Each of these photos may shock viewers, but many of them were created in order to get across an important message.
Zombie Jerky
Zombie Jerky
Japanese Stores Start Selling Zombie Meat, Rest of World Vomits
iPod Covers for Carnivores
iPod Covers for Carnivores
Ruby Pod Rare
Animal Axiom Art
Animal Axiom Art
'Vegetarian' by Felipe Mello Uses Historic Quotes to Advocate Meat-Free Diets
BBQ Jewelry
BBQ Jewelry
T-Bone Steak Earrings are Perfect for Summer
Meat Band-Aids
Meat Band-Aids
Apligraf, Factory-Grown Living Tissue, Heals Chronic Wounds
Carnivorous Fashion
Carnivorous Fashion
Monster Crochet Helps You Make a Meat Lover Shawl
Rubik Sandwiches
Rubik Sandwiches
The Cubewich Lets Rubik's Cube Addicts Play With Meat
Sincere Meat Heads
Sincere Meat Heads
Fernando Lessa Produces Unparalleled Personal Portraits
Meat Museum
Meat Museum
Brad Coram Collects Canned Animals as Tasty Travel Souvenirs
Recreating Famous Portraits With Food
Recreating Famous Portraits With Food
The Meat Mona Lisa
Meat Slabs as Art
Meat Slabs as Art
The William Petit Meat Paintings Look Good Enough to Eat
Beef Jerky Business Cards
Beef Jerky Business Cards
Edible Cured Meat Seared With Your Contact Details
Carnivorous Shorts
Carnivorous Shorts
These Red Meat Pants Are Definitely Not for Vegans
Blissful Brisket Photography
Blissful Brisket Photography
Meatscapes by Nicolas Lampert are Good Enough to Eat (UPDATE)
Carnivorous Frock Art
Carnivorous Frock Art
Mark Ryden's Paintings are Oddly Delicious
Canned Meat Collages
Canned Meat Collages
Sarah Illenberger Specializes in SPAM as Her Art Medium
Red Meat Cosmetics
Red Meat Cosmetics
Old Meat Marketed as New with Red Dye
Women as Pieces of Meat
Women as Pieces of Meat
Urging Men to Speak Out on Domestic Abuse
Raw Meat Fashion
Raw Meat Fashion
The "Eat Your Steak. Be A Man." Campaign From Goodman Steak House
Bizarre Meatvertising
Bizarre Meatvertising
Diesel's 'Pete the Meat Puppet' Campaign
Making Meat Look Sexy
Making Meat Look Sexy
Purple Magazine Has Some Pretty Twisted Editorials
Meat Purses
Meat Purses
Ted Noten's Striking Accessories Will Make You Do a Double-Take
Meaty Masks
Meaty Masks
Carnivorous Art by Dimitri Tsykalov
Art for Carnivores
Art for Carnivores
The 'Meat after Meat Joy' Exhibit
Meat-Inspired Home Decor
Meat-Inspired Home Decor
Furniture Looks Like Skinned Animals
Models Wearing Raw Meat
Models Wearing Raw Meat
Clayton Cubitt's ‘Raw Flesh' Series Will Shock Vegans
Meat Suits
Meat Suits
Jia Jam's Real Bacon And Salami Dress for Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Gadgets Made of Meat
Gadgets Made of Meat
Art for Carnivores
Bacon Shoes
Bacon Shoes
Keds Makes a Mouthwatering Pair of Breakfast Kicks
PETA Slaughters Humans