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18 Boomer-Centric Fitness Innovations

From Boomer E-Biking Adventures to Goal-Oriented Wearables

— August 19, 2016 — Life-Stages
From e-biking adventures to wearable activity trackers, it is clear that boomer-centric fitness innovations are in high demand among a population that is increasingly determined to stay in shape.

One of the primary ways that boomers are staying active is through group activities. Indeed, gyms and fitness centers have increasingly begun offering group fitness classes that cater to the specific needs of those with aging bodies. These are also a number of organizations that offer biking or running clubs for older consumers.

In addition to group activities, boomers are also eager to take their health and wellness into their own hands by keeping a closer eye on their over fitness. As a result, activity trackers have become an extremely popular way to log different fitness goals. Unlike the high-tech smartwatches preferred by younger consumers, boomer-centric fitness trackers are simple, intuitive and user-friendly.
Audio Coach Fitness Trackers
Audio Coach Fitness Trackers
The Atlas 'Shape' Fitness Health Tracker Packs AI Technology
Goal-Oriented Wearables
Goal-Oriented Wearables
The Mobile Power MP-Band Fitness Tracker Keepers Wearers on Track
Data-Driven Activity Trackers
Data-Driven Activity Trackers
The Slice Activity Tracker with PAI Will be Revealed at CES 2016
Senior Cycling Programs
Senior Cycling Programs
Experience Plus Bicycle Training Prepares Over 50s for Adventurous Rides
Affordable Fitness Trackers
Affordable Fitness Trackers
The Vidonn 'PulseBand' A6 is a Comprehensive Fitness Solution
Senior Activity Vouchers
Senior Activity Vouchers
These Senior Discount Packages Encourage Enriching Experiences
Motivational Social Fitness Apps
Motivational Social Fitness Apps
'Fitnotix' Connects New Fitness Enthusiasts to One Another
Boomer-Targeted Yoga Classes
Boomer-Targeted Yoga Classes
The 'Breathe Yoga Studio' Offers Special Classes for Boomer Women
Boomer-Specific Exercise Classes
Boomer-Specific Exercise Classes
24 Hour Fitness' Active Aging Classes Help Consumers Stay Fit
Boomer Fitness Centers
Boomer Fitness Centers
Nifty After Fifty Promotes an Active Lifestyle During Classic Years
Boomer Running Groups
Boomer Running Groups
The 'FAB 50' Running Group Helps Older Women Train for a Half-Marathon
Boomer E-Biking Adventures
Boomer E-Biking Adventures
An Endeavor to Break the World Record for Electric Bicycling in Europe
Svelte Activity Trackers
Svelte Activity Trackers
The Garmin Vivofit 3 Coaches You Towards Your Fitness Goals
Medical-Grade Fitness Trackers
Medical-Grade Fitness Trackers
Google is Developing Its Own Wearable Health Monitor
Jewelry-Inspired Fitness Trackers
Jewelry-Inspired Fitness Trackers
The CarePredict Tempo Keeps Track of Seniors' Lifestyle Patterns
Accessible Age-Friendly Fitness
Accessible Age-Friendly Fitness
This Ontario Company Was Made to Improve Older Adult Fitness
Senior Fitness Stations
Senior Fitness Stations
Public Workout Stations Help Singapore's Elderly Stay Fit
Affordable Fitness Trackers
Affordable Fitness Trackers
The Garmin Vívofit Fitness Band is Simple, Long-Lasting and Motivating
Flexible Boomer Workouts
Flexible Boomer Workouts
Spirit50 Addresses Old Age and Health Through Home Fitness Sessions
Simplistic Fitness Trackers
Simplistic Fitness Trackers
The Withings Go Fitness Tracker Displays a Sleek and Minimal Design
Bed-Bound Exercise Equipment
Bed-Bound Exercise Equipment
The Stuck In Bed Fitness Machine is Designed for Immobilized Patients