The Cyberhug Adds a Level of Sensation to Online Communication
Chalaine Mantha — February 8, 2011 — Unique
References: techland.time & geeksugar
Married scientist duo Dzmitry Tsetserukou and Alena Neviarouskaya believe they have created something that replicates human touch while using online communications; it’s called The Cyberhug.
The Cyberhug works by using a network of connected straps resembling a harness. Their prototype is called “iFeel_IM!” which means “I feel therefore I am.” When the prototype is attached to a computer, a series of sensors can “mimic several types of heartbeats, tingling down the spine, and the sensation of having butterflies in one’s stomach.”
The Cyberhug works by using a network of connected straps resembling a harness. Their prototype is called “iFeel_IM!” which means “I feel therefore I am.” When the prototype is attached to a computer, a series of sensors can “mimic several types of heartbeats, tingling down the spine, and the sensation of having butterflies in one’s stomach.”
Trend Themes
1. Replicating Human Touch in Online Communication - Opportunity for developing technology that recreates the sensation of touch when communicating digitally.
2. Networked Sensory Devices - Potential for creating interconnected sensors that can simulate various sensations.
3. Enhancing Emotional Connection Online - Disruptive potential in developing devices that enable emotional connections and intimacy in online interactions.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Opportunity for innovation in the technology sector to create devices that replicate human touch online.
2. Communication - Disruptive potential for the communication industry to enhance online communication by introducing sensory devices.
3. Social Media - Opportunity for social media platforms to incorporate sensory devices that can enhance emotional connections between users.