Jeremy Gutsche — February 12, 2006 — Tech
References: bennettrobotworks & joshspear
Looking for a little bit of robot art for your home? The Bennett Robot Works robots range from 1-2 feet tall and sell for $650 to $2700. Each robot is uniquely created from various parts found in 'garbage dumps, basements, construction sites, and garage sales'. The materials include wood, glass, computer parts, rubber, paint and pretty much anything else that Gordon Bennett can get his hands on. If you are in NY you can drop by and check out the designs in person.
Trend Themes
1. Robot Art - The trend of using robots to create art presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the field of creative expression.
2. Repurposed Materials - The trend of using repurposed materials to create art allows for disruptive innovation in sustainable design and upcycling.
3. Physical-digital Integration - The trend of integrating physical and digital elements in art offers opportunities for disruptive innovation in immersive and interactive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can seize the opportunity to explore and invest in robot art as a new medium for expression and creative collaborations.
2. Sustainability and Recycling - The sustainability and recycling industry can leverage the trend of using repurposed materials in art to showcase innovative solutions and promote sustainable practices.
3. Technology and Entertainment - The technology and entertainment industry can tap into the trend of physical-digital integration in art to develop immersive and interactive experiences that bridge the gap between the physical and virtual worlds.