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30 Work From Home Innovations

From Modular Standing Desks to Design-Conscious Routers

— April 10, 2020 — Lifestyle
These work from home innovations range from design conscious routers to modular standing desk furnishings. With growing uncertainty among employers and employees amidst a global pandemic, people are working remotely more than ever before.

In addition to convenient and cutting edge technology, other work from home essentials include portable desktop organizers that encourage order and cleanliness within temporary and makeshift workspaces. Other innovations include back-aligning seat cushions that transform home seating into more ergonomic solutions along with smart productivity apps that help employees stay on track even when face time with coworkers and managers is limited.

Microsoft's new and improved To Do app is a great example of a productivity app that acts as a desktop extension -- helping anyone get more organized when streamlining personal or professional tasks.
Smart-List Productivity Apps
Smart-List Productivity Apps
Microsoft Released a New Version of Its To Do App with Improvements
Task Management App Expansions
Task Management App Expansions
Microsoft To-Do for Mac Is Newly Available To Apple Users
Digital Professional Workstation PCs
Digital Professional Workstation PCs
The HP Envy 32 All-in-One PC Delivers Ample Power for Users
Quick-Launch Productivity Apps
Quick-Launch Productivity Apps
The 'One Switch' App Aids with Small Common Tasks on a Desktop
Budget-Conscious Touchscreen Laptops
Budget-Conscious Touchscreen Laptops
The Lenovo Yoga C740 Has Advanced Features at a Low Price
Multi-Functional Organization Apps
Multi-Functional Organization Apps Effortlessly Streamlines the Day-to-Day of Its Users
Chromatic Cable Concealers
Chromatic Cable Concealers
The 'Cablette' Cable Organizer Hides Unsightly Wires at Desks
Swiveling Hinge-Equipped Keyboards
Swiveling Hinge-Equipped Keyboards
The 'Alpha Ergo' Keyboard Allows for Easy Customization
Digital Nomad Device Chargers
Digital Nomad Device Chargers
The BESTEK Travel Adapter Converter Charges and Protects Devices
Decentralized Connectivity Routers
Decentralized Connectivity Routers
The 'Blockchain Router' Makes Internet Activity Anonymous
Geometric Module Workstation Organizers
Geometric Module Workstation Organizers
The 'Shaped Tray' Organizer by Jakob Lukosch is Chic
Design-Conscious Routers
Design-Conscious Routers
The Conceptual 'Wall Router' Allows for Maximum Signal Transmission
Mobile Productivity Monitors
Mobile Productivity Monitors
The 'AirView' Wireless Touchscreen Monitor is Omni-Compatible
Surfing-Inspired Standing Desk Boards
Surfing-Inspired Standing Desk Boards
The EBB + FLO Standing Desk Board Keeps the Body Active
Tactile Organization Planners
Tactile Organization Planners
The 'Mover' Thinking Tool Allows for Visualized Planning and More
Health-Focused Workstation Converters
Health-Focused Workstation Converters
The FEZIBO Ergonomic Standing Desk Converter is Customizable
Back-Aligning Seat Cushions
Back-Aligning Seat Cushions
The EVA Cushion Helps to Prevent Bad Posture While Providing Comfort
Supportive Stretch-Friendly Office Chairs
Supportive Stretch-Friendly Office Chairs
The Autonomous 'MyoChair' Lets Sitters Fully Recline
Carved Desktop Essential Organizers
Carved Desktop Essential Organizers
The Teslyar Wooden Desk Organizer Has Space for Everything
Workstation Cable Organizers
Workstation Cable Organizers
The Baseus Magnetic Cable Organizer Keeps Cords on Hand
Portable Desktop Organizers
Portable Desktop Organizers
The Orbitkey Nest Works to Keep Essentials Stowed and Accessible
Gridded Home-Office Furnishings
Gridded Home-Office Furnishings
Established & Sons' 'Grid' Creates a Room Within a Room
Habit-Tracking Productivity Planners
Habit-Tracking Productivity Planners
The 'BOSS Personal Planner' Keeps Goals in Focus
Handy Modern Smart Planners
Handy Modern Smart Planners
A Digital-Forward Smart Planner is Part of the Moleskine PRO Range
Modern Minimalist Desktop Organizers
Modern Minimalist Desktop Organizers
The YAMAZAKI home Tower Desk Bar Eliminates Workspace Clutter
Standing Desk Hammocks
Standing Desk Hammocks
The UPLIFT Under Desk Hammock Offers a Place to Nap or Unwind
Digital Professional Lap Desks
Digital Professional Lap Desks
The Aeon Gold 'Lagio' Lap Desk Supports Professionals Anywhere
Office Chair Workout Devices
Office Chair Workout Devices
The 'NOONCHI' Lets You Workout Right from Your Workstation
Style-Forward Standing Desks
Style-Forward Standing Desks
The Uhuru Design Frame Rise Sit-Stand Desk Enhances Workplace Comfort
Cross-Legged Office Chairs
Cross-Legged Office Chairs
The Soul Seat Office Chair Allows for Alternative Sitting