'Hell Inc' Webcomic Reflects on Duality of Man
Marten vanZwietering — October 9, 2010 — Pop Culture
References: hellinccomic & hellinccomic
Comics are a wonderful medium for conveying episodic content in an incredibly small space. As such, they are often used to convey morality, science, storytelling and, of course, humor.
Hell Inc is a daily webcomic focusing on the balance of good vs. evil and how mutable it can be. The comic focuses on Kevin, a minor demon sent to Earth on a mission, and an angel named Levi who is determined to foul up his plans. With no friends, a hostile environment, no powers and completely the wrong idea of what to do, Kevin looks to be in a hopeless situation.
Hell Inc is a daily webcomic focusing on the balance of good vs. evil and how mutable it can be. The comic focuses on Kevin, a minor demon sent to Earth on a mission, and an angel named Levi who is determined to foul up his plans. With no friends, a hostile environment, no powers and completely the wrong idea of what to do, Kevin looks to be in a hopeless situation.
Trend Themes
1. Episodic Comics - The popularity of comics as a medium for conveying episodic content presents an opportunity for businesses to use this format to convey their own stories and messages in a visually engaging way
2. Exploration of Morality - There is an opportunity for businesses to explore the theme of morality in their marketing messages and brand narratives to engage customers on a deeper level
3. Humorous Storytelling - Companies can utilize humor in their brand narratives as a way to create memorable and engaging stories that resonate with audiences
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - The publishing industry can use episodic comics to create serialized content that draws in readers and keeps them coming back for more
2. Advertising and Marketing - By exploring themes of morality in their campaigns, businesses can create narratives that resonate with customers and allow them to feel connected to the brand in a meaningful way
3. Entertainment - Humorous storytelling is a staple of the entertainment industry, and businesses operating in this space can use this approach to create engaging content that resonates with audiences