The Hovenring Lets Cyclist Safely Glide Through Traffic
Janelle Savel — February 3, 2014 — Art & Design
References: twistedsifter & hovenring
The Netherlands is hosting the world’s first suspended bicycle roundabout known as the Hovenring.
The Hovenring, which appears to be suspended over a major city intersection, was designed by Ipv Delft and is made of a 70 meter tall pylon, 24 steel cables and a bridge deck using 1,000 tons of steel. With cables on the inner side of the bridge, this roundabout is securely fastened and safe for the heavy flow of bicycle traffic.
The Hovenring has benefited a lot of people including tourists. In a popular place like the Netherlands, city traffic is really tight and dodging in and out traffic as a cyclist leads to so many unnecessary accidents. The Hovenring encourages people to switch modes of transportation, while providing them with safety and efficiency.
The Hovenring, which appears to be suspended over a major city intersection, was designed by Ipv Delft and is made of a 70 meter tall pylon, 24 steel cables and a bridge deck using 1,000 tons of steel. With cables on the inner side of the bridge, this roundabout is securely fastened and safe for the heavy flow of bicycle traffic.
The Hovenring has benefited a lot of people including tourists. In a popular place like the Netherlands, city traffic is really tight and dodging in and out traffic as a cyclist leads to so many unnecessary accidents. The Hovenring encourages people to switch modes of transportation, while providing them with safety and efficiency.
Trend Themes
1. Suspended Roundabouts - The concept of suspended roundabouts can be applied in other places to ensure safety and ease of movement for cyclists.
2. Advanced Bicycle Infrastructure - Designing and building innovative bicycle infrastructure can promote a shift towards sustainable transportation alternatives.
3. Smart City Planning - Integrating advanced infrastructure such as suspended roundabouts into city planning can help government officials achieve sustainability and safety goals.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Planning and Design - This industry is key in ensuring the safety of cyclists who use public roads and can implement innovative bicycle infrastructure designs such as suspended roundabouts.
2. Bicycle Manufacturing - As bicycle usage becomes increasingly popular, there is an opportunity for bicycle manufacturers to create more advanced and efficient bicycles that could complement newly-designed infrastructure for better performance and safety.
3. Transportation - The introduction of advanced bicycle infrastructure, such as the Hovenring, could revolutionize the transportation industry by promoting sustainable and efficient means of commuting.