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Geneva Sound System XL: Much Cooler Than Your iPod Docking Station

Clean the Sky - Positive Eco Trends & Breakthroughs

— January 1, 2006 — Tech
Face it: Your iPod docking station isn't cool enough for your Mom.
From the Geneva Website:
At Geneva Lab, we are motivated by the clear passion to hear music as recording artists intended. In a single stunning wood cabinet, Geneva embodies many capabilities. It's pure digital design with advanced patented technology as used by the professionals who win Grammies and Oscars for their audio creations and strive to make them as easy to use as possible.

Geneva is shaped for the way we live today. Home stereo has not kept pace with advances in digital music and contemporary lifestyle. Space is at a premium. Simplicity and style are the alternatives to the clutter of complicated technology. The multi-component concept of home stereo has not changed in many decades while in a few short years tens of millions of people have simplified entire music collections onto tiny hard drives. In a single cabinet the Geneva Sound System offers direct playback of hard drive music while also offering built in capabilities for CDs (with a built-in slot drive), FM radio, and line-in turntables, TV audio, computers and even game consoles.

Sound & Performance
At Geneva, we are passionate about music. The Geneva Sound System reproduces sound as the recording artist meant it to be heard. To achieve this, our acoustic engineers engage professional musicians, music producers and the best digital audio technology to re-create a true studio sounding system that is also incredibly easy to live with. It delivers the subtle ranges of a small quartet at delicate volumes or it can power an entire house party with the XL model's 600 watts of amplification.

Slip a CD or an iPod into Geneva Sound System's piano-lacquered wood cabinet. Then grip the remote control and prepare to be astonished at the simplicity and power of this system. The Geneva Sound System is Made For iPod and you can just easily fit your iPod® video, iPod photo, iPod mini or iPod nano into the built-in Universal Dock. . All audio file formats on CD (MP3, etc) play in the CD slot. Other line-out portable MP3 players including the iPod shuffle connect to Geneva's line-in port, as do other audio sources such as computers, turntables, TVs. There is a built-in FM radio that, like the other functions, is easily controlled by Geneva's stylish remote.

Finally, Real Stereo
For a half-century we've lived with complicated, multi-component stereos that are less than beautiful. These outmoded systems require the speakers and the listener to be precisely aligned, which is practically impossible. The listener is always too close to one or another speaker to hear true stereo. Geneva solves the problems of clutter, cables, complication and positioning. The Geneva Sound System has two channels – the definition of stereo – in one solid box. Using advanced patented algorithms it digitally adapts the left and right sound signals. The sound is always perfectly balanced and totally embraces the listener in any position with a full sound stage of 120°.
Trend Themes
1. Contemporary Lifestyle - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop home stereo systems that are compact, stylish, and capable of direct playback from digital music collections.
2. High-quality Audio Reproduction - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create studio-quality sound systems that reproduce music as intended by the recording artists, while also being easy to use and live with.
3. Simplified Stereo Systems - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design stereo systems that consolidate multiple components into one box, eliminating clutter, cables, and positioning issues.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative audio products that cater to the modern consumer's desire for convenience and style.
2. Music Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate in the music technology industry by creating advanced audio systems that enhance the listening experience and embrace digital music formats.
3. Home Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionize the home entertainment industry by offering all-in-one stereo systems that combine multiple functionalities in a single sleek design.