The 'From Up North' Gallery Collects Stunning Global Art
Kamal Musharbash — October 7, 2010 — Lifestyle
References: fromupnorth
These abstract images in the 125th online installment of the 'From Up North' gallery are mesmerizing and thought-provoking. The pictures range from bloody skulls to military-related scenes that seem to generate some deep feelings within. Such intricate artistry makes these images one-of-a-kind and creative.
Collectively, these images delivered by the 'From Up North' gallery are not a thematic compilation; they are however, a collection of art created by different artistic platforms and materials to give a fantastic visual experience.
Collectively, these images delivered by the 'From Up North' gallery are not a thematic compilation; they are however, a collection of art created by different artistic platforms and materials to give a fantastic visual experience.
Trend Themes
1. Abstract Art - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating immersive virtual reality experiences that bring abstract art to life.
2. Online Galleries - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing curated online platforms that showcase and sell artwork to a global audience.
3. Artistic Diversity - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in fostering collaborations between artists from diverse backgrounds and mediums to create unique and thought-provoking art.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in integrating technologies such as augmented reality and blockchain to enhance the exhibition and sale of artwork.
2. Virtual Reality - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in developing virtual reality platforms that allow users to explore and interact with abstract art in immersive digital environments.
3. Creative Collaborations - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in facilitating cross-disciplinary collaborations between artists and technologists to push the boundaries of artistic expression.