Election-Inspired Window Dressings
Cecilia Biemann — October 24, 2008 — Fashion
References: psfk
Shoppers heading out for some retail therapy in Soho this week would have been sensing some Obama love in the atmosphere due to the abundance of Obama-inspired storefront displays.
These photo examples are from the storefronts of Kiki de Montparnasse, Brooklyn Industries and Triple Five Soul--all of which feature Obama-inspired messages.
The "Hope is Sexy" statement splashed across the window is awesome. It's great to see people showing support for their preferred presidential candidate in such creative ways.
These photo examples are from the storefronts of Kiki de Montparnasse, Brooklyn Industries and Triple Five Soul--all of which feature Obama-inspired messages.
The "Hope is Sexy" statement splashed across the window is awesome. It's great to see people showing support for their preferred presidential candidate in such creative ways.
Trend Themes
1. Election-inspired Storefront Displays - The abundance of Obama-inspired storefront displays shows a trend of retailers capitalizing on political events to attract customers.
2. Creative Political Advertising - Retailers displaying Obama-inspired messages in their storefronts highlight a trend of using creative advertising methods to engage customers and make a political statement.
3. Political Influence on Retail Marketing - The Obama-themed storefront displays reflect a trend of retailers leveraging political events to align their branding and tap into the current socio-political climate.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - The retail industry can take advantage of election-inspired storefront displays to create disruptive innovation opportunities in branding, advertising, and customer engagement.
2. Advertising - The Obama-themed storefront displays showcase the need for innovative advertising strategies that combine politics, creativity, and consumer sentiment for effective brand messaging.
3. Marketing - Political events like elections present an opportunity for marketers to develop disruptive strategies that leverage current socio-political trends in their campaigns and brand positioning.