Virgin Galactic Revealed Its New Concept Mach 3 Aircraft Design
Daniel Johnson — August 4, 2020 — Business
References: virgingalactic & engadget
Virgin Galactic recently showcased its new Mach 3 aircraft concepts. The Mach 3 aircraft will be a high-speed air travel solution for Virgin Galactic, who will also collaborate with Rolls-Royce on the final design. The collaboration with Rolls-Royce will focus on engine propulsion technology. The company described the aircraft in a press release, "The design philosophy of the aircraft is geared around making high speed travel practical, sustainable, safe, and reliable while making the customer experience a top priority."
The Mach 3 aircraft will be able to hold 19 people, with custom cabin designs and adjustable seating arrangements. The aircraft will be able to fly at 60,000 feet in the air, and Virgin will look to use sustainable fuel.
Image Credit: Virgin Galactic
The Mach 3 aircraft will be able to hold 19 people, with custom cabin designs and adjustable seating arrangements. The aircraft will be able to fly at 60,000 feet in the air, and Virgin will look to use sustainable fuel.
Image Credit: Virgin Galactic
Trend Themes
1. High-speed Air Travel - The development of high-speed aircraft concepts presents an opportunity to revolutionize air travel, offering a faster and more comfortable alternative to traditional flight.
2. Sustainable Aviation - Virgin Galactic's focus on sustainable fuel highlights a growing trend towards eco-friendly aviation, presenting opportunities for innovation in alternative fuel sources.
3. Collaboration with Aerospace Companies - Collaborations between aerospace companies such as Virgin Galactic and Rolls-Royce presents opportunities for disruptive innovation through the combination of different expertise and technology.
Industry Implications
1. Aviation Industry - The aviation industry stands to gain from the development of high-speed air travel concepts and collaboration with aerospace companies, leading to potential growth and disruption in the sector.
2. Alternative Energy Industry - The trend towards sustainable aviation creates opportunities for innovation and growth in the alternative energy industry, particularly in developing new and efficient forms of aviation fuel.
3. Luxury Travel Industry - The customizable cabin designs and customer-focused approach of Virgin Galactic's aircraft concepts offers opportunities for disruptive innovation in the luxury travel industry.