The Hometowns Photo Series Pays Tribute to Great Artists
Rahul Kalvapalle — October 7, 2015 — Art & Design
References: jmaclean & featureshoot
Hometowns is a photo series, put together by London-based photographer John MacLean, that pays homage to a number of great artists by depicting the towns in which they were raised. MacLean traveled around the world -- everywhere from William Eggleston's Summer, Mississippi to Wassily Kandisky's Moscow -- and juxtaposed each homestead that he found with the aesthetic peculiarities of the artists themselves.
Interestingly, each home was depicted and projected not just as it stands today but also how it must have stood years and years ago when seen through the young eyes of the children who would grow up to become his artistic idols.
Indeed Hometowns is an unconventional but effective tribute to the artists that shaped MacLean's visions.
Interestingly, each home was depicted and projected not just as it stands today but also how it must have stood years and years ago when seen through the young eyes of the children who would grow up to become his artistic idols.
Indeed Hometowns is an unconventional but effective tribute to the artists that shaped MacLean's visions.
Trend Themes
1. Photography Tribute - Opportunity for photographers to create tribute series to influential artists through images of their hometowns.
2. Aesthetic Juxtaposition - Potential to explore the contrast between the artists' works and the visual peculiarities of their hometowns, creating intriguing artistic narratives.
3. Historical Perspective - Opportunity to showcase the evolution of artists' hometowns by capturing present-day imagery alongside nostalgic depictions from the past.
Industry Implications
1. Photography Industry - Photographers can leverage the idea of hometown tributes to appeal to art enthusiasts and gain recognition for their unique visual storytelling skills.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can find inspiration in the concept of aesthetic juxtaposition, creating new works that blend different visual styles and influences.
3. Tourism and Travel - Tourism agencies can promote the cultural heritage and historical significance of artists' hometowns, attracting art enthusiasts and travelers interested in exploring these destinations.