This Guide by Sophie Lucido Johnson Helps Young Adults Grasp Adulthood
Ady Floyd — October 9, 2015 — Art & Design
References: theguardian & designtaxi
Chicago-based writer and illustrator Sophie Lucido Johnson created a humorous guide that aims to help young adults to fully transition into adulthood.
The chart acts as a set of rules or guidelines that help the youth understand what adulthood is like. The chart explores areas such as "things all adult women need in order to be happy" and "things all adults are not allowed to have." The whole guide is created with whimsical watercolor images that are nostalgic in their overall theme.
The guide pokes fun at society's views on adulthood, while proving that being an adult cannot be defined by the material objects one owns. Instead of conforming to society's cookie-cutter idea of adulthood, Sophie Lucido Johnson helps young adults by encouraging them to embrace their individuality.
The chart acts as a set of rules or guidelines that help the youth understand what adulthood is like. The chart explores areas such as "things all adult women need in order to be happy" and "things all adults are not allowed to have." The whole guide is created with whimsical watercolor images that are nostalgic in their overall theme.
The guide pokes fun at society's views on adulthood, while proving that being an adult cannot be defined by the material objects one owns. Instead of conforming to society's cookie-cutter idea of adulthood, Sophie Lucido Johnson helps young adults by encouraging them to embrace their individuality.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-norm Core - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a market for anti-norm core products that defy traditional standards of adulthood and offer individuality.
2. Humorous Guidance - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a humorous guidance app for young adults to help them navigate the complexities of adulthood.
3. Whimsical Learning - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a mobile game that uses whimsical illustrations to teach young adults about practical life skills.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Development - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use artificial intelligence to personalize personal development programs for young adults based on their individual preferences and needs.
2. Self-care - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a subscription-based service that delivers self-care kits to young adults, based on their specific needs and preferences.
3. E-learning - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop an e-learning platform that uses interactive content to teach young adults about practical life skills, including how to navigate adulthood.