Heather Dewey-Hagborg Finds a Way to Delete the Presence of a Person
Jamie Danielle Munro — May 6, 2014 — Tech
References: deweyhagborg & designboom
Heather Dewey-Hagborg runs her own company titled Biogenfutures, which focuses on the possibilities of DNA, and how people can glean information from such a small substance. Last year the artist conducted a test where she collected DNA samples from a variety of unknown sources, then constructed portraits of these people which were incredibly accurate.
With her new project, Heather Dewey-Hagborg decided to reverse this process, creating a product that actually erases the presence of DNA. Two sprays are used, 'Erase' and 'Replace,' which actually swipes away the trace of a person being in a particular spot. While this may help some people feel their privacy is protected, the possibility of criminals using the substance for covering up questionable activity is also a risk involved in the making of the product.
Photo Credits: designboom, deweyhagborg
With her new project, Heather Dewey-Hagborg decided to reverse this process, creating a product that actually erases the presence of DNA. Two sprays are used, 'Erase' and 'Replace,' which actually swipes away the trace of a person being in a particular spot. While this may help some people feel their privacy is protected, the possibility of criminals using the substance for covering up questionable activity is also a risk involved in the making of the product.
Photo Credits: designboom, deweyhagborg
Trend Themes
1. Dna-erasing Technology - The development of DNA-erasing sprays presents disruptive innovation opportunities in privacy protection and crime prevention.
2. Personal Genetic Privacy - The growing concern for personal genetic privacy creates opportunities for innovative solutions to safeguard individuals' DNA information.
3. Forensic DNA Technologies - Advancements in forensic DNA technologies offer disruptive innovation opportunities in crime scene investigation and evidence analysis.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Security - The personal security industry can leverage DNA-erasing technology to develop innovative privacy protection solutions.
2. Genetic Testing - The genetic testing industry can address the demand for personal genetic privacy by providing secure and confidential DNA analysis services.
3. Forensic Science - The forensic science industry can incorporate advanced DNA technologies to enhance crime scene analysis and improve investigative processes.