This Art Work is from Dominic Wilcox's Variations on Normal
Mesel Isaac — February 2, 2014 — Art & Design
References: dominicwilcox & ohgizmo
The Variations on Normal installation display by Dominic Wilcox has a very peculiar modification on the traditional headphone that is worth a look.
The Reverse Listening Device is a pair of headphones that let three people listen in on the same sound at the same time. One ear piece connects from the middle listener’s head to another’s, then the second headphone piece goes from the middle listener’s head to the other remaining person’s ear. The Reverse Listening Device gadget is just an art piece, however Dominic Wilcox states that it does indeed work, but says it sounds really weird. Though it would be difficult to use in real life, sometimes I wish something similar did exist for when you want to have multiple people listen in on something.
Wilcox’s Variations on Normal series offers a lot more bizarre takes on mundane items in a similar fashion to the Reverse Listening Device.
The Reverse Listening Device is a pair of headphones that let three people listen in on the same sound at the same time. One ear piece connects from the middle listener’s head to another’s, then the second headphone piece goes from the middle listener’s head to the other remaining person’s ear. The Reverse Listening Device gadget is just an art piece, however Dominic Wilcox states that it does indeed work, but says it sounds really weird. Though it would be difficult to use in real life, sometimes I wish something similar did exist for when you want to have multiple people listen in on something.
Wilcox’s Variations on Normal series offers a lot more bizarre takes on mundane items in a similar fashion to the Reverse Listening Device.
Trend Themes
1. Reverse Listening Device - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a headphone technology that allows multiple people to listen to the same sound simultaneously, enhancing group listening experiences.
2. Bizarre Art Installations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop unique and unconventional art installations that transform ordinary objects into captivating and thought-provoking works of art.
3. Mundane Object Modifications - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore creative ways to modify everyday objects, reimagining their functionality and pushing the boundaries of design.
Industry Implications
1. Audio Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionize the audio technology industry by developing headphones or audio devices that offer multi-user listening capabilities.
2. Contemporary Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate the contemporary art industry by pushing the boundaries of artistic expression and challenging conventional perceptions of everyday objects.
3. Design and Product Development - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transform the design industry by incorporating unconventional modifications and reimagining the functionality of existing products, leading to innovative and groundbreaking designs.