The Weight Recorder Draws Out the Pounds
Senduran Bhakthakumaran — March 19, 2012 — Unique
References: & fastcodesign
The Weight Recorder scale displays one’s weight using pictures rather than numbers.
It looks like a fragile device, but rest assured The Weight Recorder does the trick. Where normally a glass screen would be for users to see a numerical representation of their weight, a pencil has been fastened to draw out changes in weight for a more in-depth analysis of change over time. One can monitor how exactly their weight has progressed. This can be useful for parents who wish to understand the effects of healthy diets on their children or perhaps the entire family as well. This picto-scale style of weight-watching is a solid attempt at giving families the tools to find trends in weight patterns without having to consult a doctor’s records.
It looks like a fragile device, but rest assured The Weight Recorder does the trick. Where normally a glass screen would be for users to see a numerical representation of their weight, a pencil has been fastened to draw out changes in weight for a more in-depth analysis of change over time. One can monitor how exactly their weight has progressed. This can be useful for parents who wish to understand the effects of healthy diets on their children or perhaps the entire family as well. This picto-scale style of weight-watching is a solid attempt at giving families the tools to find trends in weight patterns without having to consult a doctor’s records.
Trend Themes
1. Pictographic Monitoring - Opportunity for companies to develop weight monitoring devices that track body change patterns with simple pictures instead of numeric values.
2. Personalized Family Wellness - Opportunity for companies to create wellness tools that involve families by increasing the user-friendliness and inclusivity with this pictographic as an element.
3. Weight Trend Visualizations - Opportunity to produce weight recording devices that depict trend visualization for ease-of-use as an added value aside from numerical representation.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Technology - This trend presents an opportunity for the wellness industry to develop innovative devices and gadgets to help people monitor and achieve healthy weights.
2. Family Health Technology - Opportunity for family health technology companies to develop devices that promote wellness and are inclusive of family lifestyle habits.
3. Smart Weighing Scales - Opportunity to improve scales by incorporating picto-scale as a trend to visualize and monitor weight trends along with other sophisticated features as added value.