Unhealthy Cell Phone Facts

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Mezzmer Uncovers What Your Mobile Device is Doing to Your Body

The inquiring minds are Mezzmer explore the adverse effects of cell phone use in the chilling infographic entitled 'Are Mobile Devices Destroying Your Body?'

Over the past decade, cell phone use has gone through the roof. It's hard to imagine not having your trusty chatty companion by your side at all times or fixed to your ear several times a day. Cell phones are a great way to keep in touch and a more instantaneous way to conduct business, but it's important to consider what negative effects this hip-side communicator could have on overall your health.

According to the Mezzmer infographic, cell phones and other mobile devices can contribute to poor eyesight, posture and sleep patterns. Although, the infographic does cover the fairly obvious problem of impaired driving due to the use of mobile devices while in transit, it also sheds a little light on lesser known hazards of cell phone use.

Sure to make you think twice before unholstering your cell phone, the Mezzmer 'Are Mobile Devices Destroying Your Body?' infographic presents a terrifying prospect to transient chatty Cathys.
Trend Themes
1. Poor Eyesight From Cell Phone Use - The trend towards poor eyesight from cell phone use presents opportunities for innovation in vision care products and vision-focused technologies.
2. Posture Problems Caused by Mobile Device Usage - The trend of posture problems caused by mobile device usage presents opportunities for innovation in ergonomic device design and posture-aiding technologies.
3. Mobile Device Use and Sleep Patterns - The trend of mobile device use negatively affecting sleep patterns presents opportunities for innovation in sleep aid technologies and blue light reduction applications.
Industry Implications
1. Vision Care - The vision care industry could benefit from the trend towards poor eyesight from cell phone use through the development of new products and services that address this problem.
2. Ergonomic Device Design - The ergonomic device design industry could benefit from the trend of posture problems caused by mobile device usage through the creation of new products that improve posture and reduce negative health impacts.
3. Sleep Aid Technologies - The sleep aid technologies industry could benefit from the trend of mobile device use negatively affecting sleep patterns through the development of innovative products that promote healthy sleep habits.

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