5G Olympic Venue Partnerships

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Intel and the Olympic Committee Joined to Enhance the Korean Venue

Santa Clara-based technology company Intel and the International Olympic Committee are looking to integrate 5G platforms at the upcoming Olympic Games to make the experience more enjoyable and sharable for attendees.

It's reported that the initiative will launch at the winter games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, where "Intel also plans to use drone light show technology to create 'never seen-before' images in the sky above Olympic venues." By integrating 5G platforms, Intel and the International Olympic Committee aim to enhance attendee experience while communicating the values that the games stand for.

Thomas Bach, the IOC President, explained this by stating, "Thanks to our new innovative global partnership with Intel, fans in the stadium, athletes and audiences around the world will soon experience the magic of the Olympic Games in completely new ways."
Trend Themes
1. 5G Integration - The integration of 5G platforms is becoming increasingly important for enhancing attendee experiences at major events.
2. Drone Light Shows - Drone light show technology is revolutionizing the way we create images in the sky for major events and entertainment purposes.
3. Enhanced Attendee Experiences - Companies are focusing on enhancing attendee experiences by using cutting-edge technology to create unique, sharable experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Sports and Entertainment - Enabling technologies such as 5G integration and drone light shows are disrupting the sports and entertainment industries, creating new opportunities for engaging and immersive experiences.
2. Telecommunications - Telecommunications companies are investing in 5G technology in order to provide faster, more reliable network connectivity for major events which enhances the attendee experience.
3. Technology - Cutting-edge technology such as 5G and drone light shows are driving innovation in the technology industry by enabling companies to create more immersive and engaging experiences.

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