Irritable Ankle Tattoo Ads

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The Exoderil Foot Cream Campaigns Addresses Problem of Mycosis

The Exoderil Foot Cream ad campaign promotes its latest products with tattoos, which will catch the eye of just about anyone considering how much of a fad they have become. But they aren't just any tattoos. These instances of body art are responding to the smell and itch being generated by the mycosis each foot could be suffering from.

Conceived and executed by Tbwa\Central Asia & Caucasus, an ad agency based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the Exoderil Foot Cream ad campaign was art directed by Doniyor Mamanov with creative direction by Jakub Mraz and Ruslan Kassymov. The images were illustrated by artists Marat Kumekov and Anatoliy Drozdov. They both read, "Cure it effectively." This way, tattoos won't have to suffer either.
Trend Themes
1. Ankle-tattoo Advertising - The trend of using ankle tattoos in advertising campaigns provides a unique and attention-grabbing way to promote products or services.
2. Addressing Foot Mycosis - The growing concern about foot mycosis creates opportunities for innovative solutions, such as Exoderil Foot Cream, to address and alleviate the problem.
3. Interactive Body Art - The use of interactive tattoos that respond to bodily sensations opens up possibilities for engaging and immersive consumer experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising industry can explore incorporating ankle-tattoo ads as an unconventional and attention-grabbing strategy to reach a wider audience.
2. Healthcare and Skincare - In the skincare industry, there is an opportunity to develop innovative foot creams, like Exoderil, that effectively treat and prevent foot mycosis.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industry can further explore the intersection of body art and technology, creating interactive and responsive tattoo experiences for individuals.

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