Hyper-Targeting Social Add-Ons

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Facebook Brand Pages Can Now Target by Gender, Workplace & More

Marketing through social media will now be much more focused, as Facebook just announced that its Facebook brand pages will offer advertisers the ability to target online users by gender, relationship status, education, workplace and interests.

Before this, companies using Facebook brand pages were only able to set targets for location and language, says Mashable. But now, marketers can rest assured that their ads are reaching the right people. For example, a brand hoping to target college-level consumers for a back-to-school fashion campaign can now filter its ads to appear to consumers between the ages of 18 and 21 who are interested in fashion and style.

Coming only weeks after Twitter announced a targeted tweet system for marketers, this new hyper-targeting option on Facebook definitely stands to change the social media marketing game plan for today's brands.
Trend Themes
1. Hyper-targeted Social Advertising - With Facebook's new gender, workplace, and interest targeting, brands can now create more personalized and effective social media campaigns.
2. Improved Customer Engagement - By targeting specific demographics and interests, brands can create more relevant and engaging content for their audience.
3. Data-driven Marketing - The ability to hyper-target users based on specific data sets allows brands to better analyze and improve their marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Advertising - Hyper-targeted social advertising is disrupting the traditional advertising industry and forcing marketers to adapt to more data-driven approaches.
2. E-commerce - Improved customer engagement through hyper-targeting on social media can lead to increased sales and revenue for online retailers.
3. Higher Education - Facebook's new filtering options can provide more targeted advertising for higher education institutions looking to attract college-level consumers.

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