Fantasy Sport Micro-Games

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'Ballr' Introduces a Rapid-Fire Format for Fantasy Sports Gaming

'Ballr' is the name of a new cricket game that puts a twist on traditional fantasy sports games. The game is set to launch soon for Android, featuring a rapid-fire micro-gaming format, which reduces the time of gameplay during a sporting event for greater instant gratification. Fans will be able to select scoring sequences, goals and kicks during matches in short five-minute slots.

Rather than awarding monetary prizes, Ballr partners with global brands, sporting goods companies and transportation start-ups to offer premium apparel, cars and sporting event tickets to winners.

Ballr was recently launched in India and China and has been identified as the first of its kind in Asia. In these countries, it's expected that Baller will appeal to a market of about 200 million adult sports fans in China and 93 million in India.
Trend Themes
1. Micro-gaming - Developing micro-games that have a rapid-fire format could offer an alternative to traditional fantasy sports games.
2. Promotional Partnerships - Partnering with global brands, sporting goods companies, and transportation start-ups can provide alternate rewards other than monetary prizes.
3. Localized Fantasy Sport Games - Developing fantasy sports games specifically for localized sports markets can provide opportunities to tap into new sports fans markets.
Industry Implications
1. Fantasy Sports - The introduction of micro-gaming formats within fantasy sports games provide a new opportunity for innovation within the Fantasy Sports Industry.
2. Sports Apparel & Accessories - Collaborating with fantasy sports gaming platforms to offer premium apparel as rewards provides a valuable opportunity for the Sports Apparel & Accessories Industry.
3. Transportation - Partnering with fantasy sports gaming platforms to offer cars as rewards could be an innovative way for the Transportation Industry to connect with new customers.

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