Coughing Bus Stop Billboards

This Apotek Hjartat Billboard Reacts When Smokers Walk By

A new Apotek Hjartat billboard placed in a popular square in downtown Stockholm gives smokers a subtle message about their habit. Since the Swedish pharmacy brand is invested in keeping people healthy, it has created a smart billboard design that coughs when people are smoking near it.

The Apotek Hjartat billboard is equipped with a large, HD screen that displays a still picture of an actor. Most of the time, the image simply looks like an average ad for the pharmacy. However, the bus stop billboard is equipped with a sensitive smoke detector hidden inside it. If someone smokes nearby (as is the case relatively often), the still image of the actor jumps to life and violently coughs. The billboard plays audio as well to make sure it grabs smokers' attentions.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Billboards - Similar smart billboards can be designed to detect and react to other behaviors, such as jaywalking or littering.
2. Interactive Ads - Interactive ads that engage with passersby can be used to promote healthier habits or other positive behaviors.
3. Health Promotion - More businesses can utilize marketing tactics to promote healthier habits and lifestyles.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies can take advantage of interactive marketing tactics to promote healthy lifestyles and increase brand awareness.
2. Advertising - Interactive ads like the Apotek Hjartat billboard can be a way for advertisers to provide value and be more memorable to their audience.
3. Health and Wellness - Businesses in the health and wellness industry can use innovative marketing tactics to promote their products and services and encourage healthy behavior change.

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