Interactive Geometric Light Installations

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In Passing by Chris Fraser Focuses on Unnoticed Beauty

In Passing by Chris Fraser is the latest light show art installation from the Oakland, California-based artist. Relying heavily on the interactivity of gallery guests, holes and small gaps have been made in the walls that are meant to be played with. Essentially, these gaps let light trickle into adjoining rooms and when visitors place their hands over them, mesmerizing light formations are created.

Currently on display at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center in Portland, Oregon, In Passing by Chris Fraser will be on view until the beginning of March. Fraser reveals, "I spend a lot of time crafting specific situations, framing light in such a way that it reveals a portion of the complex order within the ambient environment.[...] Echoes of this same order can be found in your home, entering your windows, skirting around furniture, slipping through a crack in the door. I want to call attention to a type of beauty that usually goes unnoticed."
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Light Installations - The interactivity of visitors and light installations creates immersive experiences for consumers which can be further enhanced using AR and VR technologies.
2. Geometric Art Installations - By using geometric art installations, artists can play with the idea of light and shadow to create a unique and stimulating visual experience which can tap into new emotions.
3. Ambient Environment Order - Highlighting the complex order within the ambient environment can lead to a better understanding of people's impact on their environment and can inspire solutions to environmental problems.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists can use light technology to create immersive and interactive art installations that can enhance the visual experience of their audiences.
2. Architecture - Architects can incorporate light technology into building design to create environments that are not only functional but are also stimulating and visually appealing.
3. Tourism - By creating immersive and interactive light installations, tourism companies can attract travelers looking for unique and stimulating experiences.

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