Elderly Employment Ads

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These Romanian Ads Encourage Those Over 55 and Able to Work to Get a Job

These 'Active at Any Age' employment ads are targeted at Romanian Boomers who are nearing the early retirement age, encouraging them to continue working if they are physically able. The Romanian ads are supported by the National Agency for Employment, in hopes to stimulate more economic growth by employing an age range that has the option of simply retiring at 55.

The ads feature a little girl or boy dressed up as a grandma or grandpa and sitting around knitting or watching the TV. Above in big letters, the ads quote the children, "When I grow up I want to retire early." Below it reads, ''You too are a role model for Romania's future generation."

The employment ads send the clear message that older people should be continuing to work if they are able instead of setting the ideal of "retiring early" into the younger generation.
Trend Themes
1. Boomer Employment - Employment opportunities targeted at Boomers nearing retirement age present a disruptive innovation opportunity to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
2. Age Diversity - Promoting age diversity in the workforce can be a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies as it enables them to benefit from the knowledge and experience of older generations.
3. Retirement Culture - Encouraging a culture that values the contributions that older generations can make to the workforce can be a disruptive innovation opportunity for advertising and marketing firms to change societal attitudes towards retirement.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Human resource agencies can benefit from the concept of Boomer Employment opportunities by recommending older workers who have valuable expertise to employers wanting to increase diversity in their workforce.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and Advertising firms have the opportunity to shift social attitudes towards retirement and ageing through their campaigns and messaging.
3. Social Care - Social Care providers who embrace a culture that values contributions made by the elderly population can foster stronger inter-generational relationships that benefit both sides, and in turn create a disruptive innovation opportunity to provide better aged care.

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