Political VR Plazas

NBC News' Virtual Reality 'Democracy Plaza' Shows Debates and More

In preparation for the US elections, NBC News collaborated with AltspaceVR to create 'Democracy Plaza,' a virtual reality recreation of New York's Rockefeller Center Plaza. In this virtual space, users are able to tap into debates, question and answer sessions, as well as a few political-themed comedy events. Democracy Plaza is accessible to anyone who has access to a virtual reality headset; those who tune into the experience will be able to watch the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, all the while interacting with other people tuning in around the world.

Ahead of this year's US presidential elections, there have been tons of online tools and apps created in order to get young Americans engaged in the issues and invested in voting.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Political Events - Virtual reality recreations of political events can provide access to a wider audience, potentially disrupting traditional media platforms.
2. VR Networking - Virtual reality spaces can facilitate meaningful connections and discussions between people from different locations, potentially disrupting traditional networking methods.
3. Political Comedy Events - Political-themed comedy events can provide a more engaging and enjoyable way for people to stay informed about current events.
Industry Implications
1. Media - Media outlets can leverage virtual reality technology to provide unique and engaging political coverage, potentially disrupting traditional news platforms.
2. Technology - Virtual reality companies can develop innovative solutions to enhance virtual political experiences, potentially disrupting traditional forms of entertainment.
3. Politics - Political campaigns and organizations can utilize virtual spaces to engage with voters in new and innovative ways, potentially disrupting traditional campaigning methods.

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