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Tragic Reminder Smoking Ads

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These Print Ads Dramatize Smoking Death Rates

This trio of print ads underlines smoking death rates in terms relative to well known tragedies and traditional cigarette advertising campaigns.

In this day and age, the fact that smoking is a health risk is common knowledge. There's no smoking allowed inside most buildings and generally the practice has been pushed to the fringes of society. However, that doesn't necessarily mean less people are smoking. So the need for anti-smoking advertising is still there.

These print ads relate smoking death rates to the Titanic sinking and September 11th. Both tragedies are well known historical events. While many people died in both these tragedies, just as many people die from smoking all the time. Therefore, an ad agency by the name of Not Perfect, came up with this strategy to quantify smoking death rates in easy to digest ways.

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