Plant-Based Pulled Pork Burgers

Soul Burger's Pulled Pork BBQ Burger is Made with Jackfruit

There are plenty of pulled pork BBQ burger recipes that can be found online and in restaurants around the world, but Australia's Soul Burger sets itself apart by making its take on the classic pork-based burger with jackfruit instead of real meat. The plant-based burger boasts a base of barbecue pulled jackfruit, veggie slaw, caramelized onions, plus aioli and chipotle aioli sauce.

While there are other items on Soul Burger's menu like the 'Classic Cheese Burger,' 'Battered Fish Burger' and the 'Southern Fried Chicken Burger,' all of these options imitate traditional meat products with plant-based alternatives. In addition to its large plant-based burger menu, the fast food joint also offers four types of fries, as well as a range of coconut shakes and sodas.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Meat Alternatives - Substituting real meat with plant-based alternatives is becoming increasingly popular in the fast food industry.
2. Sustainable Food Practices - The use of jackfruit as a meat alternative highlights the push for more sustainable food practices in the restaurant industry.
3. Vegan Fast Food - There is a growing demand for vegan options in fast food restaurants, and plant-based burgers like Soul Burger's Pulled Pork BBQ Burger cater to this market.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food Industry - Fast food chains are incorporating more plant-based options into their menus to cater to the growing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The use of innovative, sustainable ingredients in restaurants is becoming more common in the food and beverage industry.
3. Sustainable Agriculture Industry - The use of jackfruit as a meat alternative highlights the potential for sustainable agriculture practices to produce new, innovative food products.

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