Branded Social Media Stickers

Twitter's 'Promoted #Stickers' Include Brands like Pepsi

Twitter's #Stickers feature has become a popular way to label images on the huge social media platform, and so the Promoted #Stickers program make sense to help the company generate more revenue. Promoted #Stickers are essentially stickers that relate to a specific brand -- for instance, a soda bottle for Pepsi -- that users can post on their images just like the other stickers in the #Stickers library.

The difference between regular stickers and Promoted #Stickers is that, when a user adds the latter to their image, the tweet automatically gets a hashtag related to the product -- with the Pepsi bottle, the hashtag is #SayItWithPepsi. For Pepsi, or any other brand interested in using the feature, the benefit here is that it makes it easy to track how consumers are engaging with the product in question.
Trend Themes
1. Promoted #stickers - Promoted #Stickers on Twitter offer a new way for brands to engage with consumers and track their product engagement.
2. Branded Social Media - Branded social media stickers provide a creative and interactive way for consumers to engage with their favorite brands.
3. Product Engagement Tracking - The use of Promoted #Stickers allows brands to easily track how consumers are engaging with their products on social media.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Marketing - The Promoted #Stickers feature on Twitter opens up new opportunities for brands to market and engage with consumers on social media platforms.
2. Advertising - Branded #Stickers provide a unique advertising opportunity for brands to promote their products and increase brand visibility.
3. Market Research - Promoted #Stickers allow brands to gather valuable market research data about consumer sentiment and engagement with their products.

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