Dangerous Driving Ads

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The Mitsubishi Outlander is Driven Through the World's Deadliest Road

In Bolivia lies a path called the Yungas Road. This road has no guardrails, no lanes and no paved surfaces and sweeps around a large mountain. Labeled as the deadliest road in the world, Mitsubishi wanted to take its Outlander and Outlander Sport to show consumers how it could handle the craziest of terrain.

The Mitsubishi Outlander spot was devised by ad agency 180, Los Angeles. What made the spot exceptionally creative was that the creatives didn't want to just shoot the car going through the winding hills: they wanted to put people in that car and show them the experience. Agency 180 installed 360-degree cameras inside the Mitsubishi Outlander and Outlander Sport to put viewers inside this once-in-a-lifetime test-driving experience.
Trend Themes
1. 360-degree Camera Advertising - Ad agencies and car companies can collaborate to create immersive test-driving experiences using 360-degree cameras.
2. Extreme Terrain Performance Showcase - Car companies can showcase their vehicles' performance in extreme terrains to appeal to adventure-seeking consumers.
3. Guerilla Marketing Campaigns - Car companies can use unconventional marketing tactics such as driving their vehicle through dangerous or unique terrains to create buzz and draw attention.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Car companies can use immersive 360-degree camera experiences to showcase their vehicles' performance and capabilities.
2. Advertising Industry - Ad agencies can create unique and memorable ad campaigns by using unconventional tactics such as guerilla marketing and extreme terrain performance showcases.
3. Tourism Industry - Regions with unique or dangerous terrains can collaborate with car companies to promote tourism and showcase the region's natural features and attractions.

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