Cartoon Character Model Lookbooks

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The Mishka Fall 2012 Lookbook Features Harvey Comics' Characters

An outside-the-box approach to the conventional lookbook, the Mishka Fall 2012 lookbook features Harvey Comics' characters as models. The lookbook is a trade off because the cartoon characters add a fun personality to the lookbook, but not seeing the designs in real pictures and instead seeing them as drawings leaves one wondering how the designs translate to real life.

Harvey Comics' characters Casper the Friendly Ghost, Richie Rich, Spooky, Hot Stuff the Little Devil, Wendy the Good Witch, Baby Huey and the Ghostly Trio all sport Mishka designs in the lookbook. Imagining these characters in modern street wear is a fun experiment that plays to both fashion lovers and comic book fans.

Each and every article on the characters is a real Mishka Fall 2012 piece, except Baby Huey's diaper, but that can be found in the drug store if you want the full look.
Trend Themes
1. Cartoon Character Fashion - There is a growing trend of incorporating cartoon characters into fashion lookbooks, presenting an opportunity for brands to collaborate with popular animated franchises.
2. Nostalgia Marketing - Using nostalgic characters like Casper the Friendly Ghost and Richie Rich in fashion campaigns taps into consumers' nostalgia, creating a unique and memorable brand experience.
3. Virtual Model Rendering - The use of digital illustrations instead of real-life photographs in lookbooks showcases a move towards virtual model rendering technology in the fashion industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can explore collaborations with popular cartoon franchises to create unique campaigns that appeal to both fashion enthusiasts and nostalgic consumers.
2. Entertainment - This trend opens up new opportunities for entertainment companies to license their beloved cartoon characters for fashion collaborations and expand their brand reach.
3. Technology - The shift towards virtual model rendering in lookbooks presents innovation opportunities for technology companies to develop and improve digital rendering solutions for the fashion industry.

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