Cost-Conscious Jackfruit Products

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Biff's Creates Competitively Priced Alternatives to Alt Meat

With the rising demand for plant-based alternatives on the market, consumers are now spoiled for choice when it comes to plant-based meats and Biff's Plant Shack is devoted to offering jackfruit products as a lower cost, cleaner alternative to alt meats. The brand's range of jackfruit-based products includes a burger cutlet and newly reformulated jackfruit wings, both of which boast more than 50% whole-plant ingredients.

These meatless jackfruit products stand out to ingredient-conscious consumers who want to avoid processed plant-based meats. According to surveys from Biff’s and Vypr, 68% of consumers prefer these types of products to hyper-realistic meat alternatives.

Notably, Biff's Jackfruit 2.0 is sold frozen, which cuts retail prices by a third as compared to previously chilled options.
Trend Themes
1. Rising Demand for Plant-based Alternatives - Creating innovative and cost-conscious plant-based alternatives to alt meats can capitalize on the growing market demand.
2. Ingredient-conscious Consumers - Developing jackfruit-based products that offer clean, whole-plant ingredients can appeal to consumers seeking healthier, less processed options.
3. Frozen Food Innovation - Exploring frozen options for jackfruit products can lead to cost savings and increased affordability for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Meat Alternatives - Jackfruit-based products present a disruptive innovation opportunity within the plant-based meat industry by offering a lower-cost and cleaner alternative.
2. Frozen Food Industry - Introducing innovative frozen jackfruit products can disrupt the frozen food industry by providing more affordable and convenient plant-based options.
3. Food Retail Industry - Retailers can tap into the rising demand for plant-based alternatives by offering a variety of jackfruit-based products, potentially leading to increased sales and market share.

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