Digital Lip Locking Signs

The 'Interactive Poster That Loves Being Kissed' is Cute

A research group at Keio University has developed an interactive poster that loves being kissed.

As one gets closer to the screen, an ultrasound sensor picks up the movement and changes the image on the screen from a blushing girl to a girl with her eyes closed and ready for a big smooch. If one backs away from the screen, the image changes back. The research group has also considered adding a smell element that would include the scent of shampoo. They've also thought about adding a speaker that whispers "I love you" after the kiss has been given.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Posters - Creating interactive posters that respond to human touch or movement presents opportunities for immersive advertising experiences.
2. Multisensory Engagement - Integrating additional sensory elements, such as smell or sound, into interactive displays can enhance user engagement and create memorable experiences.
3. Emotional Advertising - Using technology to evoke emotional responses, such as love or affection, in advertising can create powerful connections between brands and consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can leverage interactive posters to create captivating and memorable campaigns that grab consumers' attention.
2. Marketing - Marketers can use multisensory engagement techniques to create immersive brand experiences that leave a lasting impact on consumers.
3. Technology - Technology companies can explore the development of interactive displays with integrated sensors to enable touch-responsive interactions and emotional advertising.

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