Pickup-Thwarting Auto Ads

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This 2014 Hyundai Super Bowl Ad is a Tale of Boy Meets Girl with a Twist

The 'Nice' Hyundai Super Bowl ad stars Johnny Galecki of The Big Bang Theory and shows him trying to pick up a woman who is driving the same 2014 Hyundai Elantra as him.

Galecki first comments on the woman’s "nice ride," but she is having none of it and drives off. From there, the dialogue between the owners in the side-by-side cars escalates as they try to one-up each other. Galecki continues to provide compliments on the features of the car, while the woman throws challenges at him, including explosions and stunt ramps Galecki is able to swerve around and conquer with ease. It’s surely no coincidence that the song that plays in called "Evil Woman."

The ad is humorous and throws plenty of unexpected twists into the mix that make it entertaining to watch and a clever way to show off the 2014 Hyundai Elantra.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-pickup Car Ads - Automotive brands can disrupt their own advertising tactics by utilizing humor to promote their vehicles without the stereotypical gender roles.
2. Humorous Challenge-based Advertising - Brands across industries can adopt Hyundai's strategy of humorous challenge-based advertising to create buzz around their products and increase engagement with their audience.
3. Unexpected Twist Ads - Brands can consider incorporating unexpected twists or plot devices in their ads to create memorable and engaging campaigns and win over audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Automotive brands have an opportunity to disrupt traditional gender roles in their advertising tactics by showcasing their products' features and capabilities through humorous challenge-based ads like Hyundai's.
2. Advertising - Advertising agencies can incorporate unexpected plot twists or challenges in their campaigns to make them more engaging and memorable, as demonstrated by Hyundai's humorous Super Bowl ad.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can leverage humor and unexpected plot twists in their marketing campaigns to attract viewers and increase engagement, mirroring Hyundai's popular Super Bowl ad.

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